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Shell Energy just raised my bill for the sixth time in a year. This is price gouging and should be illegal

Extracts from Shell Energy customer reviews posted during the past 24 hours on Trustpilot: “Shell Energy just raised my bill for the sixth time in a year. This is price gouging and should be illegal.”: “Shell Energy Ripping me off”

Visit the Shell Energy page on Trustpilot to view all reviews in their entirety, positive and negative (and Shell Energy responses). Watch out for any fake reviews. Note the reoccurring themes in the negative reviews, including difficulty in communicating with the companyThis article posted on 20 May 2021.

The worst I have ever had would not…

The worst I have ever had would not advice anybody to get this broadband might as well stay without broadband rather then getting upset and frustrated

Shell Energy Ripping Me Off

Never got round to switching due to Covid and personal bereavement. So as an update, Shell Energy just raised my bill for the sixth time in a year. If anything our bills should have gone down as only one person is working from home now. This is price gouging and should be illegal.

Edit: The bill increased that much because Shell ‘estimated’ that my gas usage would double one year to the next. Again, shouldn’t be allowed.

2nd Edit: They’ve now recalculated my bill incorrectly, to be higher, despite acknowledging that they had over-estimated my bill by around 6x.

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