Royal Dutch Shell Plc  .com Rotating Header Image The moral debasement of Royal Dutch Shell

By John Donovan

In its apparent desperation to increase production and rebuild reserves after the 2004 securities fraud and the further loss of reserves arising from the Sakhalin-2 debacle, Shell management seems to have completely lost its moral compass (if it ever had one). We first became aware of this over a decade ago.

Duplicity in Nigeria

Shell has admitted that it has a corrupt commercial relationship with militant leaders involved in attacking Shell employees and pipelines.  What is the motive for the illicit payments made by Shell to the militants? Does Shell pay off the gangsters (a dangerous unethical policy guaranteed to encourage more attacks and kidnappings) in the hope of keeping the oil flowing? Or are the militants paid to impede production on a regular basis to drive up global oil prices, thereby generating billions in windfall profits (as has been reported to us by a high level Shell insider source)? Shell has also admitted in a leaked internal report that its activities have fuelled the corruption and violence in Nigeria.

Blogger News Network: Is Shell skulduggery in Nigeria pumping up global oil prices?



Shell is a business partner of the Iranian regime which supplies road side bombs and other munitions killing British and American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Without any apparent concern over ethical considerations, Shell CEO Jeroen van der Veer is continuing to pursue the partnership even in the face of the threat of sanctions by the American government.  I am frankly astonished that the peoples of Britain and America have not yet risen in universal protest and organised an outright boycott of Shell products. We are taking steps to make more people aware of this matter.


Shell is now a junior partner in a project run by the Russian government mafia which has had laws enacted allowing opponents to be assassinated even if located outside of Russian jurisdiction.  Shell is not in the least put off. It actually wants to do more business with its Russian gangster partners. A number of respected journalists have expressed similar blunt views about the Putin/Gazprom regime in the light of events over the last several months.

Production before Safety

We have the spectacle of a former Shell International Group Auditor, Bill Campbell, revealing serious misdeeds by senior Shell management in relation to the Brent Bravo “Touch F***  All” scandal involving falsified safety records and bodged repairs, the consequences of which cost the lives of Shell offshore employees. In an email sent to over 500 UK MP’s, Campbell has levelled serious charges against Jeroen van der Veer and the Executive Director of Shell EP, Malcolm Brinded in respect of a related cover-up.  This is not some junior employee making accusations, but a former high level official of the multinational, who has volumes of hard evidence to support his conclusions.

Shell Sale of North Sea Assets

On Saturday, 4th August, I received an email from a Shell offshore worker who advised me that 200+ Shell employees are affected by Shell’s decision to divest five North Sea production platforms. He says they “are terribly upset by the offer by Shell which is NOT to pay them what was expected in terms of VS packages and also NOT allowing access to Shell pensions early. This is a move away from Divestment principles which were agreed with the workforce some time ago. They are instead trying to use underhand bully boy tactics to force us into TUPE proceedings”. He went on to say “we’ve been lied to by Shell at many different levels”. We will publish more on this subject shortly.

Shell Found Guilty of Misleading Advertising in The Netherlands

Royal Dutch Shell was recently found guilty by the regulatory authorities in its homeland Country of using misleading “greenwash” advertising.  This was the ridiculous advert displaying flowers rising above a Shell refinery – a PR fairy tale totally at odds with the reality of a poisonous chemical cocktail of pollutant emissions which have resulted in massive fines being imposed on Shell over many years.

Bearing in mind the appalling track record above indicating a ruthless disregard for all ethical norms, it is no wonder the Shell brand was placed at a disgraceful 93 of 100 in the recent Business Week/Interbrand “Best Global Brands 2007” rankings.

Business Week / Interbrand: The Best Global Brands For 2007

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

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