Email for the personal attention of Mr. Oleg Mitvol,
Deputy Head of the Natural Resources Ministry’s Ecological Department, Russia.
Dear Mr Mitvol
I have read with interest the recent press reports that you are taking legal action against Shell in respect of the Shell led Sakhalin-2 project.
In this connection, I would draw your attention to the website and in particular, its “Live Chat” facility as I suspect that it could supply you with some important Shell insider information regarding the environmental issues in which you are interested.
The website contains a wealth of searchable information about Royal Dutch Shell Plc and the incompetence and misdeeds of its directors, most of whom, including its Chief Executive, Jeroen van der Veer, are defendants in a multibillion dollar class action lawsuit in respect of the recent Shell reserves fraud (described as the biggest corporate fraud in history). Rather than describe the website in detail, I would refer you to a Wikipedia article which provides a more neutral account of the background to the site:Â
Shell shut down its own “Tell Shell Forum” Internet discussion forum several months ago claiming it was merely being suspended for a revamp. In fact, Shell management no longer wanted to hear what Shell stakeholders, including its own employees, were posting on the facility. It simply could not put up with the rising crescendo of criticism following blunder after blunder, including the $10 BILLION cost overrun on Sakhalin-2. We decided to provide an alternative upgraded facility – “Live Chat” – which enables anyone, anywhere, to post information without giving away their name or location and to chat live with other visitors. The feature is now receiving more daily postings than the “Tell Shell Forum”. It is clear that almost all postings are from well educated highly informed Shell insiders, but we caution visitors to use their own judgement in assessing the veracity of the postings.
Some recent Live Chat postings are in relation to fundamental design faults at Sakhain-2 with warnings of potential catastrophic failure.
At least one organisation has already sat up and taken notice, as will become evident if you visit the “Live Chat” facility. You are free to make your own appeal for information if you so wish and it is possible to put a URL link into a Live Chat posting just by pasting the URL at the end of the text. The URL will then appear as “Link”. It is interesting to note that thus far there has not been a single positive posting about Shell management on the Live Chat facility.
I hope this information is of assistance.
Yours sincerely
John Donovan
Co-owner & Publisher
Email copied to Jeroen van der Veer, Malcolm Brinded and Shell International General Counsel, Richard Wiseman.
This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.