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Shell horror story in Nigeria

By an outspoken former employee of Shell Oil USA

When I was in my teens I can remember watching what is now a cult sci-fi flick called ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’. It is story about aliens who come to earth as plants and the seed pods turn into replicas of humans, but they aren’t, they are alien predatory ‘pod-people’ out to take over the world.

The story of RD Shell’s seconding of the Nigerian government reminded me of this movie.

Is the Nigerian government run by Nigerians or is it really run by alien predatory ‘Shell-people’ masquerading as Nigerians whose objective is to loot the country and suck it dry of its oil wealth. Beware, they are not only coming, these alien ‘Shell-people’, they are here. Run for you lives! RUN! RUN!! AHHHH!!!

Alternatively, the Nigerians could run the sob’s out of the country. Maybe even at gun point.

Who knows how this story will end.

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

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