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Shell Stumbles: Takes $2 Billion Hit, Whines About Weak Gas Trading

Posted by John Donovan: 5 July 2024

In the latest episode of “Shell Can’t Catch a Break,” the oil giant is poised to take a hit of up to $2 billion in post-tax impairments. Why? Because they’re pausing construction on their much-touted biofuels plant in Rotterdam and offloading their chemicals refinery in Singapore. All this drama while Europe’s largest energy company grapples with weak market conditions and a downturn in their golden goose: gas trading.

Apparently, Shell’s integrated-gas segment, usually the crown jewel of their profit empire, isn’t looking too hot this quarter. They predict results will be lower than the first quarter, where they enjoyed a cushy $3.68 billion in adjusted earnings. Seasonality, they say. But hey, at least it might match last year’s second quarter of $2.5 billion. Small victories, right? read more

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