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Shell’s Sin Stock Shenanigans

How BlackRock and Vanguard Gave a Big Middle Finger to Climate Action While Backing the Oil Giant’s Eco-Villainy

In the latest episode of “Let’s Pretend We Care About the Planet,” the world’s two largest money managers have decided that climate change just isn’t that big of a deal—at least not “financially material.” That’s right, folks. These titans of finance, sitting on a mountain of $10 trillion and $9 trillion respectively, have basically told the world to shove it when it comes to supporting climate resolutions.

BlackRock, that beacon of corporate responsibility, supported a whopping 20 out of 493 climate proposals this year. For those keeping score, that’s less than 4%—a steep drop from the days when they could at least pretend to care, like in 2021 when they backed nearly half of all climate resolutions. But hey, why bother saving the planet when you can continue raking in cash from sin stocks like Shell? And Vanguard? Oh, they took it up a notch by supporting exactly zero, zilch, nada, out of over 400 environmental and social proposals. Guess the idea of saving the world isn’t “financially material” enough for them either. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Vanguard Global Advisers LLC and Shell Plc: A Satirical Dive into Their Corporate Tango

Posted by John Donovan: 8 Aug 2024

Vanguard Global Advisers LLC, a titan in the asset management world, holds a notable 0.98% stake in Shell Plc. This strategic investment puts Vanguard in a fascinating position of influence over Shell, a company infamous for its environmental controversies. This article explores the depths of the relationship between Vanguard and Shell, shedding light on the sway Vanguard holds, the inevitable tensions, and the delightful irony of a green champion investing in a major polluter. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

BlackRock Fund Advisors and Shell Plc: A Satirical Exploration of Their Relationship


In the grand arena of corporate finance, where money talks and oil spills, BlackRock Fund Advisors stands out with its 2.95% stake in Shell Plc. This investment reveals a fascinating interplay of influence, environmental rhetoric, and the cold, hard reality of fossil fuel dependence. Let’s delve into the dynamics of this relationship, examine the sway BlackRock has over Shell, and uncover any tensions that have emerged over time—all with a dash of satirical critique. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Vanguard Group, Inc. and Shell Plc: A Satirical Dive into a Not-So-Green Relationship

Posted by John Donovan: 8 Aug 2024

When it comes to large institutional investors making waves in the energy sector, Vanguard Group, Inc. stands out with its substantial 3.82% stake in Shell Plc. This relationship is a fascinating dance between the ideals of sustainability and the gritty reality of fossil fuel dependence. Let’s take a closer look at how Vanguard influences Shell, the tensions that arise, and the delightful irony of a supposed green champion holding hands with one of the world’s largest oil companies. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Stumbles: Takes $2 Billion Hit, Whines About Weak Gas Trading

Posted by John Donovan: 5 July 2024

In the latest episode of “Shell Can’t Catch a Break,” the oil giant is poised to take a hit of up to $2 billion in post-tax impairments. Why? Because they’re pausing construction on their much-touted biofuels plant in Rotterdam and offloading their chemicals refinery in Singapore. All this drama while Europe’s largest energy company grapples with weak market conditions and a downturn in their golden goose: gas trading.

Apparently, Shell’s integrated-gas segment, usually the crown jewel of their profit empire, isn’t looking too hot this quarter. They predict results will be lower than the first quarter, where they enjoyed a cushy $3.68 billion in adjusted earnings. Seasonality, they say. But hey, at least it might match last year’s second quarter of $2.5 billion. Small victories, right? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

5: Royal Dutch Shell initiatives

It is not all a bad news story. Royal Dutch Shell has been responsible for many important initiatives in relation to the environment, encouraging business start-ups, supporting charitable causes and other good works. Shell has also had a long successful relationship with Ferrari.

(Information from WIKIMEDIA COMMONS: The above Shell logo image is in the public domain because its copyright has expired and its author is anonymous.)

Royal Dutch Shell is responsible for many important initiatives in relation to the environment, encouraging business start-ups, supporting charitable causes and other good works. With regard to the environment, Shell has however been accused of “greenwash“, betraying new energy future promises, and in March 2009, announced its intention to abandon wind, solar and hydropower in favour of biofuels.

The Shell Foundation

The Shell Foundation launched in 1997, is a worldwide, social investment initiative to concentrate on working with external partners to promote sustainable development. It is an independent registered charity which has three Shell executives on its board balanced by an equal number of independent non-executive directors, in line with UK Charity Commission rules. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.