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Sir Henri Deterding: Shell Business Dealings and Ties to Nazi Germany

The following Information was generated from research carried out in March 2025 involving 27 sources.

Sir Henri Deterding (1866–1939) was a Dutch oil magnate and a co-founder of Royal Dutch/Shell. He served as general manager of Royal Dutch Petroleum from 1900 to 1936 and helped build the company into one of the world’s largest oil firms, rivaling Rockefeller’s Standard Oil. By the 1930s, Deterding’s role put him in frequent contact with Germany, where Shell had significant operations. He was a fierce anti-communist, largely because the Soviet Union had nationalized Royal Dutch/Shell’s oil properties in Azerbaijan after World War I. This bitterness toward the Bolsheviks made Deterding view Nazi Germany as a potential ally against communism. In fact, in his later years, he moved his residence and investments to Germany, purchasing a grand estate (Dobbin) in Mecklenburg in 1936. Deterding openly admired Hitler’s regime as “the most serious bulwark against invading Bolshevism,” a stance reinforced by his hatred of the Soviet regime that had expropriated Shell’s Russian oil fields. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

CHAPTER 4: Media coverage of Sir Henri Deterding’s death

Sir Henri Deterding died in St. Moritz, Switzerland on 4 February 1939 several months before the outbreak of the 2nd World War. As could be expected given his global fame as an oil mogul and a man of wealth, mystery and intrigue, there were numerous newspaper obituaries from around the world. Many mentioned his financial support for Hitler and the Nazi movement in Germany.

It may seem odd to focus on the death of Sir Henri Deterding in this early chapter, but the global news coverage of his sudden demise and even more significantly, the location – Nazi Germany – of his spectacular funeral, speak volumes. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

CHAPTER 5: The Nazi Funeral of Royal Dutch Shell leader Sir Henri Deterding

On 10 February 1939, a burial ceremony with many of the trappings of a state funeral was held at a private estate near Berlin. The spectacle included a funeral procession led by a horse-drawn funeral hearse with senior Nazis officials and Shell directors in attendance. An indication of the high esteem in which Sir Henri Deterding was held by his Shell colleagues and by Adolf Hitler, who sent a wreath.

Sir Henri Deterding, a foreign national, was honored with what amounted to a state funeral in Germany, where he was buried. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

CHAPTER 16: Shell historians attempt to distance Deterding from Hitler

Shell’s historians downplayed the relationship between Hitler and Deterding. As far they are concerned, the two never met. They said that a request by Sir Henri for a meeting with Hitler in March 1933 was rebuffed and disregarded Deterding’s claim that he met with Hitler in November 1933.  Not only were there meetings. Deterding “was revered and ultimately mourned by Hitler.”

Shell’s historians portrayed the relationship between Deterding and Hitler as standoffish on the part of Hitler, with all of Deterding’s attempts to meet with him being rebuffed. See pages 481 to 485 of RDSH V1. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.


Index of key dates:

Henri Deterding served as chairman of the combined Royal Dutch/Shell oil company between 1900 and 1936.

In or around 1931, Deterding bought a hunting estate in rural Mecklenburg, Germany. See page 477 RDSH V1.

The Reichstag fire, a pivotal event in the rise of Hitler, took place in January 1933.

On 30 January 1933 (page 465 RDSH V1) Hitler was appointed Reich Chancellor of Germany. 

Deterding welcomed Hitler’s appointment and by November 1933, Deterding said that he had met Hitler. See page 477 RDSH V1. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.
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