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Pioneering Spirit

Shell’s Eco-Friendly Secrets: UK Regulator Playing ‘Hide and Seek’ with North Sea Documents

Posted by John Donovan (right): 30 October 2023

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round! In the latest episode of How Not To Be Transparent, the UK’s oil and gas regulator is shining bright as the star. Watch in awe as they unleash their team of lawyers in a valiant attempt to shield us all from a whopping five documents concerning the teeny-tiny environmental impact of Shell’s North Sea operations. Why, you ask? Oh, just a minor “matter of process basis”. Wink, wink. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Loses Dutch Appeal Over Misleading Carbon Emission Ads

Shell Loses Dutch Appeal Over Misleading Carbon Emission Ads

(Bloomberg) — Shell Plc lost its appeal against the Dutch advertising watchdog’s ruling that an ad campaign that promoted carbon-dioxide emission credits was misleading and must be withdrawn.

Bloomberg News: Diederik Baazil and Cagan Koc: 21 Oct 2022

(Bloomberg) — Shell’s advertisements offer customers the option to pay extra for their fuel, with the money going to buy credits in emission-reduction projects that “compensate” for the pollution generated. The ads are a reboot of a similar campaign last year that the regulator also deemed misleading. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Dutch FD: Russia has a ship to finish Nord Stream 2

English translation of an article published today by the Dutch FD

Russia has a ship to finish Nord Stream 2

From our editor

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia itself has a pipeline ship to complete the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Germany. The newspaper Kommersant reported this on Thursday, based on anonymous sources.

Earlier this week, under pressure from US sanctions legislation, the Dutch-Swiss offshore group Allseas stopped the construction of Nord Stream 2. This pipeline runs from the Russian Oest-Luga through the Baltic Sea and the Baltic Sea to the German Greifswald. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Nord Stream 2 Confrontation

English translation of two Nord Stream 2 articles published today by the Dutch FD.

Berlin convinced: sanctions cannot stop the construction of the last 160 km of Nord Stream 2

By Pieter Lalkens and Jeroen Groot: 24 Dec 2019

The Solitaire was one of the ships of the Dutch-Swiss offshore company Allseas who worked on the Nord Stream 2. Gas pipeline. Photo: Reuters

In brief

  • Allseas has stopped the construction of Nord Stream 2 under pressure from the American sanctions.
  • But the gas pipeline is simply being phased out, German politicians expect.
  • The latter does entail delays and higher costs.

Although the Dutch-Swiss offshore group Allseas has stopped the construction of Nord Stream 2 under pressure from US sanctions legislation, the gas pipeline from Russia to Germany will be phased out in the view of German politics. The sanctions will only lead to a few months delay and higher costs.

“I assume that the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline will be delivered in the second half of 2020,” said Peter Beyer, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German parliament, in a conversation with radio station Deutschlandfunk on Monday. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Nord Stream 2: US Senators threaten to put Allseas Group out of business

By John Donovan

This morning I received from a trusted Shell source a United States Senate letter by US Senators Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson which has just been sent to Edward Heerema, CEO of the Allseas Group.

It contains what can only be described as dire threats against the company in relation to Allseas installation of a natural gas pipeline in Russia’s Nord Stream 2 project, in which Royal Dutch Shell is a major partner.

The letter dated 18 Dec 2019 from the US Senators demands that the Captain of the worlds largest vessel, Pioneering Spirit… “that’s right now laying this pipeline… needs to instruct the ship’s captain to set sail for other waters, because if they don’t, they’ll put the company out of business.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.


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After a massive outcry from Jewish organizations, maritime unions,  the public and the UK government, and extensive negative coverage by the news media, all following a campaign led by John Donovan (above), the shipping company Allseas renamed its vessel. All of the businesses associated with the Pieter Schelte project, including its first client, Royal Dutch Shell, had previously turned a blind eye to the Nazi name. Shell reversed course in the face of the firestorm. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Wiesenthal Centre to Royal Dutch Shell CEO: ‘Disassociate Your Company from Glorification of a Nazi War Criminal’

By John Donovan

I became aware today of a letter (see below) which a director of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre sent to Royal Dutch Shell CEO Ben van Beurden on 5 February 2015. The communication stemmed from my campaigning activities that ended with Allseas renaming the worlds largest ship. I will shortly be supplying the Simon Wiesenthal Centre with a trove of evidence about Shell’s Nazi history including its close partnership in Nazi Germany with IG Farben, the chemical giant which manufactured the gas used to exterminate several million Jewish people in the Holocaust. Dutch Directors of the Royal Dutch Shell Group including Sir Henri Deterding helped finance Hitler and the Nazi Party.


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“Annul Shell’s dealings with Allseas – a company which apparently celebrates Nazi crimes by glorifying a perpetrator”

“It is interesting to note on the Shell portals’ list of associated countries, the conspicuous absence of Israel”

Paris, 5 February 2015

In a letter to Royal Dutch Shell CEO, Ben van Beurdon, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre Director for International Relations, Dr. Shimon Samuels, noted, “Shell has contracted from the Swiss-based offshore pipeline installation and subsea construction company, Allseas Group, their crane-ship Pieter Schelte, to service Brent oil platforms on the British continental shelf.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

The only time Allseas Billionaire Edward Heerema Retreated

John Donovan (above) forced name change of worlds biggest ship hired by Shell in 2013

Allseas Shipping Billionaire Edward Heerema, the unlikely victim of scam artists, has admitted in any interview that the only time he has retreated in a battle, is when he agreed to change the name of the worlds biggest ship, originally named after his father Pieter Schelte Heerema.

As regular visitors here are aware, this website and its owner John Donovan played a major role in the campaign against the original Nazi tainted name.

It is to the credit of Edward Heerema that he reluctantly made the change despite his wish to honour a father for whom he had great admiration for his considerable engineering achievements after WW2. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Sanitised family history of Allseas Pioneering Spirit billionaire, Edward Heerema

By John Donovan

Printed below is an English translation of an article published this weekend on their website by the Dutch equivalent of the Financial Times, Financieele Dagblad under the headline “Stubborn and contrarian in all its fibers“.

It is presented as being a conversation with the sinister billionaire Edward Heerema about various subjects, including the worlds biggest ship – the Pioneering Spirit – and his late father, Pieter Schelte Heerema (SS officer right). read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.