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Royal Dutch Shell shameful record of appeasement

By John Donovan

For nearly a hundred years the Royal Dutch Shell Group has appeased and collaborated with evil regimes including Nazi Germany, Nigeria, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iran, Iraq under Saddam Hussein, Apartheid South Africa and with Putin of Russia, despite his annexation of Sakhalin2 and Crimea. Anything to earn a buck irrespective of ethics, human rights abuses and massive corruption. Astonishingly, Shell claims to operate with a set of business principles. Shell’s latest CEO, Ben van Beurden, is shown bowing to Putin on 18 April 2014,  soon after Russia had used force to annexe Crimea. No shame. No morals. Its just business. It is what Ben van Beurden describes as Shell’s “economic interests.”  Following in the foot steps of the founder of the Royal Dutch Shell Group, the ardent Nazi, Sir Henri Deterding.  read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.


Why did international sanctions work on South Africa but not other dictatorships?

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By Joshua Keating – Slate: Thursday, December 12, 2013


Screen Shot 2013-12-12 at 13.53.02Today, the international sanctions against South Africa, along with the public divestment campaign in the United States and other countries, are remembered as the textbook examples of how international economic pressure can create the impetus for political change in repressive regimes. Of course, it would go too far, and give far too little credit to Nelson Mandela and his allies, to argue that international pressure was the main reason that apartheid fell. In the years since, some economists have even questioned just how much impact they really had. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Royal Dutch Shell and Racism

Shell has admitted past discrimination against Jewish employees, which cost at least 20 of them their lives.  It supported racist regimes in Nazi Germany and more recently, Apartheid South Africa.

By John Donovan

Shell employees who have accused Shell of being a racist company will be interested in a comparison set out in “A HISTORY OF ROYAL DUTCH SHELL, Volume 3” between Shell’s much trumpeted business principles and those of its main competitor, ExxonMobil, in regard to equal employment opportunity.

Shell has admitted past discrimination against Jewish employees, which cost at least 20 of them their lives. It supported racist regimes in Nazi Germany and more recently, Apartheid South Africa. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

The Neptune Strategy: Shell Propped up Apartheid in South Africa

By John Donovan

In 1987, Shell Oil Co implemented a secret 265 page plan devised by a Washington based firm, Pagan International.

The devious plan was designed to undermine support for critics of Shell’s policy of propping up the despised racist apartheid regime in South Africa, just as Shell and its Nazi leader, Sir Henri Deterding,  propped up Nazi Germany before WW2. 

The objective of Shell’s secret campaign was to neutralize boycott groups, including church and civil rights groups, unions and academics. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell propped up racist apartheid regime in South Africa

Within 48 hours, subject to legal intervention by Shell, we will publish an article about how Royal Dutch Shell propped up and profited from the repressive apartheid regime in South Africa.

By John Donovan

Update Monday 26 November: Within 48 hours, subject to legal intervention by Shell, we will publish an article about how Royal Dutch Shell propped up and profited from the repressive apartheid regime in South Africa. It is another astonishing story of informers, spying, deception, and misinformation directed by Shell at parties who opposed its support for the racist regime, once led by B. J. Vorster. Shell’s disgraceful conduct led to The Church of England accusing the company of dishonesty and outright deception. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell, South Africa and Apartheid

“In talks with Kairos and with the Dutch Council of Churches Royal Dutch/Shell repeatedly claimed that the parent company had no control over its Rhodesian subsidiary, and neither was the Shell Group involved in any illegal supplies. As it was becoming apparent, however, that Shell had been involved in a crafty scheme to evade the Rhodesian embargo via South Africa all along…”: “As it had become clear even before the illegal activities of Shell were uncovered…”

International Institute of Social History: An Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)

Soon after its foundation in 1970, Kairos opted to concentrate on economic ties with South Africa, a choice influenced by the World Council of Churches. When in 1972 the World Council launched an appeal at multinational companies to withdraw from South Africa, Kairos decided to focus on Shell: a large and strategically important company both in the Netherlands and South Africa. Kairos chairman Cor Groenendijk addressed Shell shareholders for the first time in their 1973 annual meeting in The Hague; this was followed by a series of discussions with the management of Shell which dragged on fruitlessly for years. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell defendant in Apartheid lawsuit: accused of “aiding and abetting in the commission of a crime against humanity”

Among the companies that face litigation are IBM, BP, Credit Suisse, Daimler, Deutsche Bank, Exxonmobil , Ford Motor, General Motors and Shell. Lawyers in South Africa said yesterday that the decision to extend the Alien Tort Claims Act to include corporations accused of “aiding and abetting in the commission of a crime against humanity” was a major triumph.

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell defendant in Apartheid lawsuit: accused of “aiding and abetting in the commission of a crime against humanity”

The Times of Zambia: US firms to pay for apartheid

By Francois Rank     

Published:May 14, 2008

‘A catalyst in advancing human rights law’

SA victims can now sue for damages

Millions of South Africans are eligible to join a class-action lawsuit against US-based multinational corporations accused of aiding and abetting the apartheid government.

This follows a ruling by the US Supreme Court on Monday, which upheld a lower court’s decision to allow a civil case to proceed.

The civil case against major multinationals includes a damages claim and two class-action suits under the US Alien Tort Claims Act, an 18th century law that allows foreigners to sue in US courts. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

U.S. unions urge boycott of Shell to fight apartheid

Publication: Chicago Sun-Times
Date: January 19, 1986
Author: Barry Cronin
Page: 55

A coalition of labor unions has called on Americans to boycott products sold by the Shell Oil Co., a subsidiary of the Royal Dutch/ Shell Group, which has extensive oil, coal and chemical operations in South Africa.

The unions contend Royal Dutch/Shell, the world’s second largest multinational company in terms of sales, employs black slave labor in South Africa’s Rietspruit coal mine, of which it owns 50 percent with a South African firm. “We hope this boycott will encourage Shell to disinvest in South Africa as part of the broad effort to pressure the South African regime to help bring about an end to the apartheid system,” said Owen Bieber, president of the United Auto Workers and chairman of the AFL-CIO’s Ad Hoc Committee on South Africa. A spokesman for Shell Oil in Houston said the boycott is “unfortunate and misplaced” and that it will hurt American workers associated with Shell products. The unions say their boycott is aimed not at individual merchants who happen to sell Shell products, but only Shell products themselves. Union leaders are asking the public to cut up their Shell credit cards and not buy Shell goods. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.