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Ken Saro-Wiwa

Shell Can’t Even Ditch Its Dirty Nigerian Oil Fields Without Screwing Up

17 Oct 2024

Oh, Shell, always finding new ways to trip over its own oily feet. This time, they’ve managed to fumble a $1.3 billion sale of their onshore oilfields in Nigeria. Yes, you heard that right. The almighty Shell, which practically wrote the book on ruthless exploitation, can’t even offload its pollution-ridden assets without causing another mess. Nigeria’s oil regulator took one look at their proposed buyer, Renaissance Group, and said, “Yeah, no thanks. These guys aren’t remotely qualified to run this operation.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Energy Broadband bombarded by complaints every day

“Absolutely useless company. My broadband has not worked properly for a month now. They offer such poor customer service that they are not able to correct the fault.”: “DO NOT USE THIS USELESS AND COSTLY EXCUSE FOR A COMPANY.”

7 June 2022

The content below is sourced from current verifiable customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.

Very very slow download

Very very slow download. Seems to have got worse !!!

Absolutely useless company

Absolutely useless company. My broadband has not worked properly for a month now. They offer such poor customer service that they are not able to correct the fault. I tried to submit yet another complaint after receiving my bill this afternoon and even that facility doesn’t work. It’s time to find another provider. DO NOT USE THIS USELESS AND COSTLY EXCUSE FOR A COMPANY. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Human rights defender Esther Kiobel urges EU Commission to ensure access for justice to victims of corporate abuse

After two decades of seeking justice, the District Court of the Hague ruled in May 2019 that the case could be heard in The Netherlands. In the ongoing case, the Court is assessing the role that Shell played in the ‘Ogoni Nine’ – among them my husband – being sentenced to death and executed.

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.



November 10, 2020

KorneBari Nwike

On November 10, 2020, the Ogoni people, in the homeland and in the diaspora, are poised to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the judicial murder of Ken Saro Wiwa and other Ogoni leaders with renewed calls for Ogoni autonomy. Twenty-five years ago, on November 10, 1995, Gen. Sani Abacha, bolstered by the Justice Ibrahim Auta tribunal and Shell Oil Company, impulsively murdered Ken Saro Wiwa, one of Africa’s finest and eight other Ogoni leaders for demanding Ogoni political autonomy within Nigeria. Ken Saro Wiwa was an acclaimed writer and Africa’s foremost environmentalist who lead the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP). read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Extraordinary decision by U.S. Appeals Court in Kiobel v Royal Dutch Shell litigation

By John Donovan

The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has refused to reconsider its extraordinary decision barring a Nigerian activist widow Esther Kiobel, from obtaining Royal Dutch Shell discovery documents from a U.S. case, held by Cravath Swaine & Moore LLP, for litigation she is pursuing against the oil and gas giant in the Dutch courts.

Her husband, Dr. Barinem Kiobel, was one of the “Ogoni 9,” executed by the then Nigerian military regime on false charges. Esther Kiobel holds Shell complicit in his hanging. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Dutch law firm Prakken d’Oliveira Target of Shell Spying?

Email Sent To Prakken d’Oliveira by John Donovan, Sunday 10 December 2017

Be Warned: Your Law Firm is Almost Certainly Under Surveillance Again!

As Prakken d’Oliveira is aware, for more than two decades I have operated websites focussed on the *global misdeeds of Royal Dutch Shell. In more recent years, mainly via my websites and I make the above warning based on my own experience during a long drawn out acrimonious relationship with Shell.

Perceived as an arch-enemy, I have been the target of multiple spying operations carried out over many years at the behest of Shell senior management. I have irrefutable proof in the form of letters of admission by Shell and confidential Shell internal communications obtained in response to SAR applications under the Data Protection Act. UK police have carried out  investigations covering burglaries, threats of violence and repeated cyber attacks. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Dutch Public Prosecution Service looks at Amnesty dossier on Shell Nigeria


Published: 28 November 2017 18:44 Last update: November 28, 2017 9:45

The Public Prosecution Service (OM) will look at the file Amnesty International has made about the role of Shell in Nigeria. According to the human rights organization, Shell was actively involved in violence against the Ogoni population in Nigeria. Amnesty International has called on Nigeria, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands to conduct a criminal investigation into the role of Shell. “We are going to study the file very seriously and if we see a reason we start an investigation”, a spokesperson for the Public Prosecution Service (OM) reacts. According to the human rights organization, Shell’s internal documents and testimonies show that the oil company repeatedly encouraged the Nigerian army to take action against protests from the Ogoni. Residents of Ogoniland revolted after oil spills from Shell had caused enormous environmental damage. According to Amnesty, Shell asked a paramilitary police unit in 1990 for ‘protection’ against protests on which agents attacked the village of Umuechem and killed at least eighty people. In later years, requests for assistance from the company also led to bloodshed. The Shell summit would have been aware of this violence, but it did not stop the requests, Amnesty claims, which says to have internal documents that prove it.


If the Public Prosecution Service does not institute an investigation, Amnesty will file a report. The human rights organization is currently working on a criminal file, which in due course can be given to the Public Prosecution Service. When that dossier is ready, the organization does not know.

Shell has always denied having been involved in human rights violations. “Shell has not encouraged or encouraged violence. We believe that the facts will clearly show that Shell was not responsible for those tragic events. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.


My name is Esher Kiobel. I would like to tell you about my epic fight with the Goliath oil company Royal Dutch Shell, whose army of lawyers have battled since 2001 to prevent my case against the evil company from being heard in court. I hold Shell responsible for crimes against my family, including the execution of my distinguished husband Dr. Barinem Kiobel who was hanged along with fellow Ogoni, collectively known as the Ogoni 9. Ken Saro-Wiwa, a winner of the Goldman Environmental Prize, was also one of the Ogoni 9. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

22nd Execution Anniversary Date of the Ogoni 9

The ‘Ogoni 9’ were executed on this day 22 years ago, all victims of a trumped-up case brought by the corrupt despotic Abacha Nigerian regime in collusion with its evil partner in crime, Royal Dutch Shell.

The widows of those murdered include Esther Kiobel who has been seeking justice ever since. Her husband, Dr. Barinem Nubari Kiobel was born in Kpor, Rivers State, Nigeria, on 23 September 1959. Between 1979 and 1992 he lived in the UK, where he obtained a doctorate at the University of Glasgow. In 1992 he returned to Nigeria, where he accepted a senior lecturer position at the University of Science and Technology in Port Harcourt.

Dr. Kiobel later became Honourable Commissioner of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism of Rivers State province. In this role he acted as a link between the government and the Ogoni. During his work as Commissioner, despite the potential danger of doing so, he publicly expressed criticism of the regime’s activities in Ogoniland. A fatal course of action.  read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell is a monster says MOSOP official

The Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP) has described as frightening and condemnable, the Nigerian Government’s tacit endorsement of  abuses against the Ogoni people by Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria. Publicity Secretary of MOSOP Fegalo Nsuke, made this known while speaking to participants of the Ogoni Peace Match in Bori on Thursday October 26. Nsuke said it was shameful that the Nigerian state, with representation on the U.N. Human Rights Commission will be stinking with abuses and is failing to address the problem in over 2 decades since the Ogoni people rose to challenge these abuses perpetrated against the flock by Shell Petroleum.

Nsuke said the situation in Ogoniland is degenerating with lots of people being endangered without a voice to speak out to the world.

Citing the incident of Thursday where soldiers dispersed a crown of peaceful protestors in Tai, Nsuke said he was assaulted by one of the soldiers simply because he took photographs. He said a female reporter for The Nation newspaper was also assaulted by another soldier for recording a speech by the media aide to the MOSOP President, Bari-ala Kpalap.

The MOSOP spokesman however assured that the Ogoni people led by MOSOP will not give up on the struggle for a free Ogoniland neither will the battle to secure a future for the Ogoni people be lost. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Kiobel’s fight for Shell discovery: Lawyer skirmishes on eve of U.S. Court of Appeals hearing

Esther Kiobel has been fighting for more than a decade to obtain justice for the murder of her husband Dr. Barinem Kiobel and crimes committed against her, for which she holds Shell responsible. Shell supported and financed the corrupt Abacha regime in Nigeria.

By John Donovan

Shell’s U.S. lawyers Cravath, Swaine & Moore, appealed against a decision by a U.S. federal judge that Cravath should hand over for use in Dutch litigation against Shell, more than 100,000 items of Shell internal discovery documents stored by Cravath in a secure warehouse located in the USA.

I have routinely published available appeal court documents that would otherwise be hidden behind a pay wall. The documents below were filed with the court in the days just before the appeal court hearing by various parties involved, including Washington DC lawyers Hogan Lovells representing Cravath, and EarthRights International acting for Esther Kiobel. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

In memory of Dr. Barinem Nubari Kiobel

By John Donovan

It will shortly be five years since Esther Kiobel first sought my help in her fight to hold Shell accountable for complicity in the murder of her husband Dr. Barinem Nubari Kiobel – a member of the “Ogoni 9” executed in Nigeria by the dreaded Abacha regime. Esther correctly anticipated that Shell would succeed in blocking her attempt to use the US courts to seek justice. Shell recruited the UK and Dutch governments to help thwart the US litigation on judicial territoriality grounds. The merits of her claim were never considered.  read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Kiobel v Shell lawyers hearing 12 Sept 2017

Andrew Denney, New York Law Journal: September 12, 2017

Forcing Cravath, Swaine & Moore to hand over documents related to litigation against Royal Dutch Shell to a plaintiff seeking redress in Dutch courts would give rise to “discovery litigation tourism,” an attorney for the firm said Tuesday in arguments before a federal appeals court.

Esther Kiobel, who was unsuccessful in her effort to hold Shell liable in American courts for the 1995 execution death of her husband and eight others under the Alien Tort Statute, has taken her fight to the courts in the Netherlands. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Withholds 100,000 Documents Critical To Ogoni Nine Case


The oil giant, Shell, is refusing to hand over more than 100,000 internal documents on the arrest, detention, and execution of nine Ogoni men in the 1990s, Amnesty International has said. The execution of the “Ogoni Nine”,  including the renowned writer Ken Saro-Wiwa, by the government in 1995 sparked global outrage. Others executed along with Saro-Wiwa were Saturday Dobee, Nordu Eawo, Daniel Gbooko, Paul Levera, Felix Nuate, Baribor Bera, Barinem Kiobel, and John Kpuine. In a statement on Friday, a Senior Director of Research at Amnesty International, Audrey Gaughran, said Shell has gone to extraordinary lengths to withhold information vital to the case. He alleged that the oil giant may have “skeletons in its cupboard” and should not be allowed to hide behind expensive legal teams to avoid facing justice. “Shell has gone to extraordinary lengths to withhold this critical information. Because the documents in question are so old, it is highly unlikely that there are legitimate business reasons for keeping them confidential. So what does Shell have to hide?” FULL ARTICLE read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Ogoni Nine: Shell’s lawyers refusing to hand over “critical” evidence – Amnesty International

The widows of four of the men, led by Esther Kiobel, are the plaintiffs in the case which was first filed in 2001 in the U.S. The U.S. Supreme Court in 2013, without hearing the substance of the case, had ruled that the U.S. did not have jurisdiction. The widows filed the lawsuit in the Netherlands on June 28. An international human rights NGO, Amnesty International, said in a statement Friday that the U.S. law firm, Cravath, Swaine & Moore, has refused to hand over more than 100,000 internal documents considered crucial to the case. The Amnesty International directly accused Shell of trying to prevent the release of vital information. FULL ARTICLE read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Will Oprah Winfrey portray Esther Kiobel in a movie about her epic battle with Shell? 

If Esther does eventually win her case, it will make the Erin Brockovich story look a tea party by comparison.

By John Donovan

The above headline may be premature but it really could be just a matter of time.

Last Thursday, 31 August, an application was filed with the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit to film an appeal hearing made by Shell’s US lawyers Cravath, Swaine & Moore opposing an order made by a federal judge in favour of Esther Kiobel.

The application was made by Freke Vuijst a US correspondent of Dutch media and also covers her cameraman Martijn Hart. The applicant reveals that she is currently involved in the making of a film documentary about the case. The application says: “The above mentioned case is of direct interest to the Dutch public, since Esther Kiobel filed a case in the Netherlands.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.