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The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser: 15 December 1934 Page 2


May Be Purchased From Germany

Berlin, Dec. 11.

The recent visit of Sir Henry Deterding to Berlin is associated with a rumour that the Royal Dutch has combined with the Shell Company and offered the German Government a loan of 400,00,000 Dutch guilders.

The report states the loan will be advanced, sixty per cent in cash and 40 per cent in petrol and raw material.

Confirmation of the deal, hitherto, is unavailable.–Reuter Wireless.

Berlin. Dec. 12.

Following the denial of a report that the Royal Dutch had offered a loan to Germany. It is now alleged that an Anglo-Dutch-American group have proposed to pay 1,500,000,000 marks in three instalments for a thirty years monopoly of petrol in Germany.

It is declared that the only difficulty in the way of completing the deal was the existence of Rumanian and Russian Trade Treaties with Germany.

Negotiations with this group and Sir Henri Deterding’s group are said to have been postponed until after the Saar plebiscite.–Reuter.

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