Royal Dutch Shell Plc  .com Rotating Header Image IMPOTENT INCOMPETENT SHELL

By John Donovan

The following comment was posted on our Live Chat facility this morning by Guest 7398:

“To the amazement of onlookers Shell allowed your website to thrive and is now paying the price with the loss of its grand ambitions in Russia. I am stunned at the apparent impotence of Shell management. Surrender on all fronts.” 

Some salient facts:

THE RESERVES FRAUD: The global class action lawsuit against Royal Dutch Shell and named current and former Shell directors which Shell has already set aside $500 million to settle (a vain hope) is based partly on witness evidence generated from this website.  We also found within a US court imposed deadline the plaintiff now representing all non US Shell stockholders in the action.

SAKHALIN II SURRENDER: Oleg Mitvol is on public record on more than one occasion as stating that his departments $10 billion claim against Sakhalin Energy($30 billion as of yesterday) is based on documentary evidence I supplied to him. Shell management tried to make stooges out of the Russians by using outright trickery in the initial negotiations with Gazprom. Now they have ended up as being the internationally humiliated chumps.

In November last year Shell General Counsel Richard Wiseman stated in an email  that Shell management was unmoved by our activities. The remark sounded like the comment of a tired boxer trying to pretend that a pounding to his body was having no effect. I wonder what Mr. Wiseman thinks now after it is clear that our efforts in exposing management misdeeds are costing Shell untold billions?

If he cares to comment, we will, as always, be happy to publish his response unedited.

Perhaps he will be able to divulge when the current incompetent, discredited and yes, impotent Shell top management – Jeroen van der Veer and Malcolm Brinded, will pack their bags and depart.

None of our efforts would have been possible without the help of brave Shell insiders who, like us, wish to see the removal of all Shell directors tainted by the reserves fraud and other Shell scandals such as the Shell Brent tragedy  in which innocent employees lost their lives because Brinded put profits before safety.

If Shell disputes to any of the above assertions, the libel courts are available. This time sue us, not a surrogate located in a legal jurisdiction more to its liking. If Shell takes no action, then the public and the media will be able to draw the appropriate conclusion i.e. there is no libel if what is stated is true.

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

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