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Gas station loses Shell branding after controversial pro-Trump sign


Jessica Jaglois, WKRN: Published: October 29, 2016, 8:35 pm

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – A Tennessee gas station that’s received national attention for a pro-Trump sign is now getting major backlash.

According to the owners of Lewis Country Store in Nashville, Shell Corporation ended its contract with them because of the sign.

The sign in question said “The only p**** Trump ever grabbed was Paul Ryan. #Trump that b****.”

As of Midnight Friday, Shell allegedly ended its contract with the store.

The owners then posted signs on the gas pumps that said, “Due to our refusal to remove our Pro-Trump sign, Shell Oil has de-branded us.”

The store said it wouldn’t be deterred and its doors would remain open.

On Friday night, only Shell Super unleaded gas was available, and its credit card machine for gas had already been deactivated.

News 2 spoke to store customers. Most of them supported the owners, while others agreed with Shell.

“I love the sign,” said Kristine Edwards. “I’m 100 percent for these guys. What difference does it make who everyone votes for?”

“I wouldn’t want my name associated with that either,” said Shannon Page. “I wouldn’t want them saying things like that – derogatory things.”

The LED sign had a new message about Hillary Clinton and Benghazi on Friday.

News 2 asked to speak with the Lewis Country Store owners, but we were told they were unavailable.

We reached out to Shell but didn’t hear back.


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