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Shell & Friends: The Carbon Kings Laughing Their Way to Climate Collapse

Shell & Friends Are Holding the Planet Hostage

You know the world is in trouble when just 36 fossil fuel companies—led by the usual suspects, like Shell, ExxonMobil, and Saudi Aramco—are responsible for half of the planet’s carbon emissions in 2023. That’s 20 billion tonnes of CO₂ in a single year, because apparently, making obscene amounts of money off the destruction of the planet is a team sport.

The Science vs. Shell’s Business Model (Guess Who’s Winning?)

Reality check: Global emissions need to fall by 45% by 2030 to even have a chance of keeping temperature rise below 1.5°C. Instead? Emissions are still rising, because these companies refuse to stop sucking every last drop of oil, gas, and coal out of the Earth. The International Energy Agency has flat-out stated that any new fossil fuel projects launched after 2021 are incompatible with reaching net zero by 2050. But Shell? Oh no, they’re still expanding production while paying lip service to “green energy” in their PR statements. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell + BP: The Toxic Love Story

Wall Street’s Favorite Polluters Get Cozy, Because Who Needs a Planet Anyway?

BP, ever the corporate chameleon, has decided that even pretending to care about the environment is too much effort. After a brief and laughable flirtation with “green energy,” the oil giant is doing what it does best—doubling down on fossil fuels. And guess who’s cheering them on? None other than Wall Street’s financial overlord, Elliott Management. Because when your primary investors are the same hedge fund sharks who see ethics as an optional extra, saving the planet seems downright unprofitable. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell + BP Merger: The Ultimate Oil Giant Monopoly No One Asked For

…whispers of a Shell-BP mega-merger have resurfaced, sending investment bankers into a frenzy…

Because what the world really needs right now is an even bigger, greedier, more polluting oil conglomerate, whispers of a Shell-BP mega-merger have resurfaced, sending investment bankers into a frenzy. The proposed deal, which would create a $300 billion fossil fuel monstrosity, is being compared to ExxonMobil’s takeover of Pioneer Natural Resources and Chevron’s grab of Hess. In other words, Big Oil is doubling down on destruction, and Shell and BP don’t want to be left behind.

A Shell-BP merger would create an empire capable of taking on ExxonMobil ($480 billion market cap) and Chevron ($282 billion), solidifying its place among the biggest climate criminals on the planet. Supporters claim consolidation will magically bring “efficiencies” and “financial resilience,” while conveniently ignoring the inevitable job cuts, regulatory nightmares, and intensified climate devastation. Antitrust regulators might object, but when has that ever stopped the oil industry from bulldozing over public interest? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Should BP and Shell merge?

 If the goal is to accelerate environmental devastation, lay off thousands of workers, and cement Big Oil’s death grip on global energy policy, then sure—go right ahead.

Nothing screams “brighter future” like two of the UK’s most notorious polluters joining forces to double down on destruction. That’s right—some investment bankers and analysts, never ones to let a good environmental catastrophe go to waste, are floating the idea of a BP-Shell merger. The goal? To create a “national champion” capable of competing with the likes of France’s TotalEnergies and American titans ExxonMobil and Chevron. Because, obviously, the world needs another corporate Goliath ramping up oil extraction while sprinkling in just enough greenwashing to keep up appearances. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

BP + Shell: A Merger of Big Oil, Bigger Lies, and Corporate Espionage

(article exposing Shell BP spying operations)

BP + Shell: A Merger of Big Oil and Corporate Espionage: When Spying on Environmentalists Just Isn’t Enough, Merge and Double the Surveillance!

Forget the usual corporate greed—if BP and Shell merge, they won’t just be pooling their oil assets, they’ll be consolidating their dirty tricks, too. Because what’s better than one morally bankrupt fossil fuel giant? Two, working together to crush dissent, spy on activists, and ensure the climate crisis is well-funded for decades to come.

BP + Shell: More Than Just Oil Profiteers—They’re Professional Spymasters, Too

Both BP and Shell have spent decades using the shady London-based intelligence firm Hakluyt to spy on activists, journalists, and anyone else who dares to question their environmental destruction. While Greenpeace and other climate groups were busy warning the world about the climate crisis, BP and Shell were busy infiltrating them. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

BP + Shell: A Marriage Made in Climate Hell

A Reunion of Greed, Pollution, and Corporate Self-Destruction: Investors are openly salivating over a Shell takeover.

Move over, environmental concerns—the oil industry’s biggest villains are plotting a reunion tour. If BP and Shell merge, they’ll be reviving the spirit of Shell-Mex and BP Ltd, their old joint venture that ended in 1975. But this time, instead of just selling oil, they’re going full supervillain mode, consolidating power, wrecking the planet, and probably running off to Wall Street for good measure.

BP’s Identity Crisis: From Greenwashing to Giving Up Entirely

BP is falling apart at the seams. Just a few years ago, it was busy pretending to care about renewable energy, net-zero emissions, and a climate-friendly future. Former CEO Bernard Looney promised BP would cut oil and gas production by 40% by 2030 while investing billions in wind and solar. Investors were “jazzed,” and for a moment, it looked like BP might actually be trying to reform itself. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

BP + Shell: The Mega-Merger That Would Create a Greedy, Climate-Wrecking Monster

Because One Oil Giant Destroying the Planet Isn’t Enough!

  The City is in meltdown mode over an unfolding crisis: corporate giants abandoning London like rats fleeing a sinking ship.

First, Unilever’s ice-cream business ditches the UK for Amsterdam, and now the vultures are circling BP and Shell for the mother of all oil mergers.

A National Champion or Just a Bigger Corporate Menace?

Shell’s CEO, Wael Sawan, has been whining that his company’s London-listed shares are “undervalued”, strongly hinting that the UK isn’t good enough for him. And now, the talk of the town is whether a merged BP-Shell mega-corp would keep its listing in London—or pack its bags for the land of unchecked corporate greed: Wall Street.

Would a combined BP-Shell keep its primary listing in the UK or move to the US? Well, what do you think? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

BP + Shell: The Unholy Merger

BP + Shell: The Unholy Merger That Could Create the Ultimate Greed Machine: Because One Corporate Villain Just Isn’t Enough!

What’s worse than one greedy, polluting oil giant hellbent on squeezing every last drop of profit from a burning planet? Two of them merging into a mega-monster that could go toe-to-toe with the world’s worst climate wreckers. That’s right, bankers are reportedly scheming to merge BP and Shell, creating a single British oil behemoth so powerful it could bulldoze past competition and continue its relentless extraction with even less oversight.

Why Merge? Profits Over Planet, Obviously

Top investment bankers, ever eager to engineer disasters for their own financial gain, are eyeing a BP-Shell megamerger to create one national champion of corporate greed. The goal? Compete with other environmental supervillains like ExxonMobil, Chevron, and TotalEnergies—because apparently, the world doesn’t have enough giant oil companies ignoring climate destruction for shareholder returns. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and the Art of Unholy Greed: BP’s Fumbling CEO Faces Judgment Day

Posted by John Donovan: 19 Jan 25. 

What the f**k is going on at BP?

Murray Auchincloss, the latest placeholder in BP’s revolving door of CEOs, is heading for his judgment day. Investors are sharpening their knives, and on February 26, they might just gut his tenure like a sacrificial lamb. Why? Because unlike Shell—the ultimate sin stock, the Exxon of Europe, the undisputed king of greed—BP has been fumbling its way through an identity crisis. And investors? They’ve had enough of BP’s weak attempts at greenwashing when there’s good old-fashioned oil money to be made. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Slashing Jobs, Destroying the Planet, and Laughing All the Way to the Bank

Posted by John Donovan: 16 January 25

Ah, good old Shell, the absolute paragon of corporate virtue—if “virtue” means ruthlessly exploiting the planet, trampling workers, and bending over backwards to ensure its investors keep cashing in on destruction. And who might those investors be? Oh, just the likes of BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street—because nothing screams “commitment to sustainability” quite like stuffing their pockets with profits from an oil-slicked death spiral. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

New York City Takes on Big Oil and Gets Smacked by Big Oil Logic

Posted by John Donovan; 15 January 25

In the latest episode of “Corporate Giants Always Win,” New York City’s lawsuit against the holy trinity of environmental destruction—Exxon, BP, and Shell—was dismissed faster than you can say “greenwashing.” If you thought justice might take a stand against these polluting powerhouses, think again. Turns out, climate accountability in the U.S. courts is just a mirage, much like Shell’s commitment to renewable energy.

The Case: New York vs. Oil Titans read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and Its Sinister Backpedal on Renewables

Posted by John Donovan: 27 Dec 2024

In the grand theater of “profit before planet,” Shell—the poster child for greed, pollution, and shameless hypocrisy—has outdone itself. Once strutting around with lofty promises of becoming a world leader in clean energy, Shell has now quietly tossed its renewable ambitions into the trash can, along with any pretense of caring about the climate crisis. Instead, it’s all about fattening profits with oil and gas, the dirtiest of dirty fuels.

“Net Zero by 2050”: The Joke That Writes Itself read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Renewable Retreat: Why Save the Planet When Profits Are This Good?

Posted by John Donovan: 20 Nov 24

Ah, Shell — the corporate personification of “Why try when you can cash in?” Remember when they promised to save the planet? Yeah, neither do they. Turns out, pivoting to renewables isn’t nearly as lucrative as just sticking to the same old planet-choking business model. And if there’s one thing Shell and its friends at BlackRock love more than a warm, thriving planet, it’s cold, hard cash.

Profits Over Planet: The Fossil Fuel Formula

Let’s rewind to 2020, when oil prices tanked, and fossil fuel giants were scrambling like toddlers caught with crayons on the wall. With demand in free fall, companies like Shell suddenly discovered their “green hearts” and started making grandiose pledges to curb emissions and embrace renewables. But fast forward to today, and it’s clear those pledges were little more than a PR stunt. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and Friends: Saving the World with $500 Million Pennies While Burning Billions in Fossil Fuels

Posted by John Donovan: 18 Nov 2024

In a PR move so brazen it could make even the most hardened spin doctor blush, Shell has teamed up with BP, Equinor, and TotalEnergies to graciously save the planet. How? By throwing a measly $500 million at the world’s energy access crisis. Yes, the same Shell that rakes in tens of billions annually from the oil and gas driving this crisis. What’s next—Big Tobacco funding a fresh-air initiative?

But don’t let the numbers fool you! This isn’t about fixing the problem; it’s about making it look like they care while keeping the fossil fuel money printer on overdrive. And let’s not forget their investors—BlackRock and Vanguard—cheering from the sidelines, because nothing says “sustainable future” like profiting off planetary destruction.

The Energy Crisis: “Oops, Did We Do That?”

According to this noble announcement, 685 million people lack access to electricity, and 2.1 billion people can’t cook cleanly. Heartbreaking, right? But here’s the kicker: the fossil fuel majors, including our dear Shell, are complicit in keeping those numbers high by prioritizing extraction and profits over progress. Now, they’re pretending $500 million split four ways will make up for decades of systemic exploitation in the Global South. What’s that—$125 million each? That’s less than Wael Sawan’s next yacht. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Hurricane Helene Fueled by Big Oil’s Emissions, Greenpeace Demands Polluters Pay

9 Oct 2024

Washington DC – Ah yes, Shell. The oil-soaked villain of the century, responsible for more destruction than we can count, is at it again—this time helping fuel Hurricane Helene, which claimed 227 lives across six states. No big deal, right? After all, it’s just another day in the office for Shell and its oily cronies, spewing profits while the planet burns.

According to a rapid analysis by World Weather Attribution, Helene’s deadly rampage has been supercharged by—wait for it—climate change! Who knew?! Well, Greenpeace sure did, and they’re calling out Big Oil for the catastrophic mess it’s created. Rolf Skar, Greenpeace USA National Campaigns Director, lays it out: read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and BP Shares Plummet—Oh No, How Will the Planet-Burning Billionaires Cope?

Well, well, well, looks like Shell and BP have finally hit a speed bump on their highway to environmental destruction. In a shocking turn of events (cue the world’s tiniest violin), the stock prices of these oil-stained giants have taken a nosedive. Why? Because Saudi Arabia, that bastion of altruism, is reportedly ditching its plan to keep oil prices sky-high.

According to the Financial Times, Saudi Arabia, ever the benevolent overlord of the oil market, may abandon its $100-a-barrel target. Instead, they’re planning to flood the market with more crude. Gasp! Brent crude futures dropped to $71.62 a barrel, down 2.5% in a single session and 20% lower over the past six months. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.