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Shell-Shocked: FERC Tells Oil Giant to Sit Down and Shut Up in LNG Tantrum

Shell — the cuddly face of fossil fuel finesse. The benevolent, planet-loving oil titan that brought you a century of greenhouse gases and quarterly profits fatter than a deep-fried oil rig. But this time? The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) wasn’t buying their entitlement routine.

In what can only be described as an institutional eye-roll, FERC sided with Venture Global LNG Inc., ruling that the company is not obligated to serve Shell all non-public documents going forward. Translation: just because Shell’s used to throwing its corporate weight around doesn’t mean it gets VIP access to everything behind the curtain.

This all stems from Shell’s never-ending hissy fit over Calcasieu Pass — Venture Global’s LNG plant in Louisiana — where Shell is a paying customer. They demanded access to internal, non-public documentation because nothing says reasonable corporate conduct like shouting “transparency!” while investing billions in planet-charing energy. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Prelude FLNG: Shell’s $17.5 Billion Disaster Gets Another ‘Turnaround’—Because the First One Worked So Well

Stop the presses—Shell is once again “fixing” Prelude FLNG, the world’s most expensive floating LNG catastrophe. Yes, the very same Prelude that has lurched from one disaster to another since production began in 2018. The plan? A leadership shake-up, mass restructuring, and yet another grand vision: Turnaround 2026. Because when all else fails, slap a new label on the mess and hope investors don’t notice. If history is any guide, don’t hold your breath—unless you’re on Prelude, in which case, you might want to really avoid breathing in those unvented hazardous gases.

Prelude, Shell’s $17.5 billion floating headache, was supposed to be a marvel of engineering. Instead, it’s been a slow-motion trainwreck of operational failures, safety nightmares, and regulatory smackdowns. The company has already confirmed the departure of long-serving Asset Manager Peter Norman, but, surprise—no successor has been named. Meanwhile, a quiet exodus of senior figures, including Operations Manager Andrew Harvey and Offshore Installation Manager Kerry Lambert, is underway. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Shaky Business: Now Predicting Its Own Earthquakes!

Ah, Shell—forever innovating new ways to ruin lives, one gas field at a time. The latest breakthrough? Science has now made it easier to predict the earthquakes caused by Shell and its fossil-fuel-loving friends in the Groningen region. That’s right—thanks to decades of unchecked greed and relentless gas extraction, we can now forecast when and where the next disaster will strike. What a win for modern research!

This delightful revelation comes courtesy of researcher Zhuldyzay Baki, who has found a way to analyze the seismic mess Shell and its drilling partners have inflicted upon the Netherlands. Her work at the University of Twente combines statistical models with geological insights to track the correlation between underground pressure drops (caused by, you guessed it, gas extraction) and earthquake intensity. Turns out, the areas where Shell has sucked the most gas out of the earth are the same ones where people’s homes are cracking apart. Who could have possibly predicted that? Oh wait, literally everyone who warned about this for years. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s LNG Delusion: Betting Big on a Market That Doesn’t Want It

Nothing Screams “Strategy” Like Ignoring Reality

Ah, Shell—the ultimate sin stock, the champion of environmental destruction, and a firm favorite of investment giants like BlackRock and Vanguard—has once again graced the world with a vision of its glorious fossil-fueled future. This time, it’s an LNG pipe dream so detached from reality, you’d think they pulled it straight from an oil-stained magic eight ball.

According to Shell’s latest LNG outlook, the world is set to guzzle down up to 718 million metric tons of liquefied natural gas by 2040, a staggering 60% increase from today. Why? Because of Asia’s economic growth, the energy demands of AI, and the vague promise of “cutting emissions”—yes, you read that right, Shell is now selling fossil fuels as a climate solution. Comedy gold. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Prelude to Disaster: Workers Exposed to Toxic Gas, Regulator Issues Warning

Shell’s Prelude to Disaster: Workers Exposed to Toxic Gas, Regulator Issues Warning. Because What’s a Little Cancer When There’s Profit to Be Made? In Shell’s world, workers are expendable.

In a development that will shock absolutely no one familiar with Shell’s abysmal safety record, the Australian offshore regulator NOPSEMA has issued an improvement notice after workers aboard Shell’s troubled Prelude FLNG facility reported lung and eye problems from exposure to hazardous gas. Yes, the same Prelude facility that has been an over-budget, unreliable, and unsafe floating disaster since day one.

NOPSEMA’s notice calls on Shell to fix the problem (translation: stop poisoning your workers), after yet another hazardous gas leak was reported. But given Shell’s legendary track record of prioritizing profits over human lives, don’t hold your breath—unless, of course, you’re a Prelude worker, in which case holding your breath might be your only defense against cancer-causing fumes. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and Exxon’s Gas Profits Shake Groningen—Literally

Nothing Says “Sustainable Business” Like an Earthquake Every Few Months

It’s another day, another earthquake in Groningen, where decades of reckless gas extraction by Shell and ExxonMobil’s joint venture, NAM, have left the ground as unstable as their ethical standards. This time, a 2.2 magnitude quake hit the town of Usquert just after midnight, shaking homes, rattling windows, and waking residents with a hard, dull thud. Coincidentally, that’s also the sound of Shell executives ignoring accountability.

“Induced Earthquakes”: Just a Fancy Term for Corporate Destruction

The KNMI meteorological institute wasted no time in confirming what everyone already knew: this was an “induced earthquake,” meaning it wasn’t some random act of nature—it was a direct consequence of Shell and ExxonMobil sucking every last drop of gas from the earth, leaving behind a crumbling foundation. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Prelude to a Nightmare

Posted by John Donovan: 22 Jan 25

Ah, Shell—the undisputed champion of greed, pollution, and corporate ruthlessness. The ultimate sin stock. The very embodiment of an oil giant that will squeeze every last drop of profit out of a dying industry while dressing it up in greenwashing nonsense. And now, it seems, Shell is doubling down on a losing bet—LNG.

Yes, despite the global energy market shifting away from fossil fuels, Shell is hellbent on expanding its liquefied natural gas empire. Investors might want to brace themselves, because this ride promises to be expensive, unreliable, and, in classic Shell fashion, utterly disastrous. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell and Its Sinister Backpedal on Renewables

Posted by John Donovan: 27 Dec 2024

In the grand theater of “profit before planet,” Shell—the poster child for greed, pollution, and shameless hypocrisy—has outdone itself. Once strutting around with lofty promises of becoming a world leader in clean energy, Shell has now quietly tossed its renewable ambitions into the trash can, along with any pretense of caring about the climate crisis. Instead, it’s all about fattening profits with oil and gas, the dirtiest of dirty fuels.

“Net Zero by 2050”: The Joke That Writes Itself read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Gas Grab Meltdown: Billion-Dollar Whines from the Ultimate Sin Stock

Posted by John Donovan: 28 Nov 2024

Shell—ever the champion of profit at any cost, and now throwing a tantrum because their latest LNG scheme didn’t quite go as planned. In a plot twist that’s dripping with irony, Shell, the ruthless polluter with an insatiable hunger for cash, is dragging Venture Global into arbitration over undelivered liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the Calcasieu Pass facility. Brace yourselves: the oil behemoth is upset it didn’t get to rake in even more billions. Yes, billions. Cry us a river, Wael Sawan. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Prelude Whistleblower and Worker Strikes

Posted by John Donovan: 23 Nov 2024

Oh, Shell. Just when you thought they couldn’t look worse, here they are proving once again why they’re the undisputed heavyweight champion of corporate callousness. Allegations of retaliation? Check. Industrial disputes? Double-check. And let’s not forget a court ruling that gives them a free pass to keep polluting. Truly a masterpiece of modern greed.

Whistleblower? Meet the Shell Machine

Former Shell safety engineer Irina Woodhead is pulling back the curtain on the Prelude circus. Her crime? Daring to speak up about serious safety concerns on the Prelude FLNG project. Her reward? Alleged retaliation, career destruction, and a tribunal system that apparently runs on bias instead of justice. Woodhead’s words are chilling: read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Oil Giants Shell and Exxon Dump Groningen Like a Bad Date

Posted by John Donovan: 16 November 2024

In yet another move that screams “corporate villainy,” Shell and its BFF ExxonMobil, under their joint venture NAM, have officially noped out of their responsibility to help Groningen recover from decades of destruction. You know, the region they gleefully exploited for gas, leaving behind a legacy of earthquakes, shattered homes, and residents who probably Google “how to stop tectonic betrayal” every other week.

The Dutch “Debt of Honour” They’d Rather Forget read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Shocked: The Prelude to Utter Corporate Indifference and Offshore Worker Abuse

Posted by John Donovan: 15 Nov 2024

Shell. The “shining” beacon of fossil-fueled ambition and unparalleled disregard for basic humanity. While the world scrambles to mitigate climate catastrophe, Shell’s Prelude FLNG facility, a floating natural gas disaster masquerading as innovation, proves that cutting corners is the only thing this oil giant seems to excel at. And now, surprise! Shell faces yet another worker rebellion on this colossal misfire. Honestly, at this point, we should just call it the Touch Fuck All facility.

Prelude FLNG: A Masterclass in Corporate Hubris

Prelude, Shell’s floating liquefied natural gas platform, was touted as a technological marvel—a 3.6-million-tonnes-per-annum cash cow set to redefine the energy sector. Instead, it has become a floating cautionary tale, plagued by mechanical failures, safety violations, and enough worker dissatisfaction to make any HR department spontaneously combust. Since shipping its first cargo in June 2019, this engineering “wonder” has spent more time offline than a dial-up modem in the ‘90s.

Now, the logistics workers from Qube Offshore, who keep this floating disaster operational, have had enough. They’ve voted for protected industrial action, citing the same negligence that Shell so lovingly slathers across all its projects. Who could blame them? Shell’s track record with offshore worker safety is so abysmal that even the term “safety” starts feeling like satire. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

From the House of Lords to the Den of Iniquity: Shell’s Prelude Nemesis Calls for Real Whistleblower Protections


Reflections from Addressing the UK House of Lords

I recently had the profound honor of addressing a meeting at The House of Lords, particularly Lord Berkeley, about an issue that is very important to me: the urgent need for a dedicated Office of the Whistleblower. My name is Irina Woodhead, and I have been advocating for stronger whistleblower protections to ensure fair investigations and accountability.

Whistleblowers play a crucial role in exposing fraud and corruption, yet current legislation fails us. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Golden Shell Game: Greed, Gas, and Greenwashing at its Finest

Posted by John Donovan: 10 Nov 2024

Shell, the darling of the so-called “energy transition,” has done it again. In a remarkable twist, the company managed to lose its European Fortune 500 crown to Volkswagen—a feat considering Shell’s ruthless, profit-hungry operations that are so very committed to the world’s “low-carbon” future. After a windfall in 2022 thanks to the Ukraine crisis (and by windfall, we mean billions rolled in), Shell’s revenues dipped a bit in 2023. But no one could say they didn’t give their beloved shareholders something to cheer about: a cool $28 billion in profits and a 20% bump in dividends. Bravo, Shell! It’s truly a testament to, well, unyielding ambition. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Earthquake-Inducing Gas Field Shuts Down, and Now the Netherlands Is Crying About Productivity?

17 Oct 2024

Oh, poor Netherlands, it seems like shutting down a gas field that was literally causing earthquakes has finally caught up with them. Who could’ve seen this coming? Groningen, the gas field operated by the environmental saints at Shell and ExxonMobil (under the cutesy name NAM, because nothing says trust us like an acronym), was pumping gas and shaking houses for 60 years. But when the earthquakes got too hard to ignore, the Dutch government dared to prioritize people’s safety over profits. The nerve, right? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

WTF: Shell Wants Pity While Putin Snatches A Billion?

15 Oct 2024

Well, well, well—look who’s crying foul! Shell, the lovable oil giant with a heart of, well, pure carbon, is now throwing a hissy fit because gasp Russia did something shady. After Vladimir Putin decided to invade Ukraine (as one does), Shell bolted from its Russian investments like a thief in the night. Now, the Kremlin is coming after them for a cool €1 billion, and Shell, bless its greedy little heart, just can’t believe this is happening.

Here’s the scoop: Shell had a 27.5% stake in the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas field, a cozy arrangement with Gazprom (Russia’s state-owned gas company) and a couple of Japanese firms like Mitsui and Mitsubishi. But after Russia basically swiped the joint venture and handed it over to a homegrown entity, Shell decided it wasn’t playing along. Did they think Putin would care? Of course not! Russia casually sold off Shell’s stake—because why not—passing it to Novatek and Gazprom. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.