Royal Dutch Shell Plc  .com Rotating Header Image Shell vs.The Environment

We have a Right to the Truth – Officials have a Duty to Act

“Very Little Hope for the World” – Ron Oxburgh, recent Chairman of Shell Oil

This is a scary thought coming from an ex-Chairman of Shell. It shows that there are voices within Shell Oil Company that care about the planet even if accounting fraud, the same as Enron, is deemed OK. This link takes you to an interview with Ron Oxburgh, recent Chairman of Shell Oil. “I think that in corporate organisations like Shell you can develop an insensitivity to some of the factors that weigh with people outside” – Ron Oxburgh
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For an uncensored look at Shell Oil go here:  This website received nearly 1.7 million hits and over a million page views in October, 2006. It is one of two recommended by Fortune Magazine for information about Royal Dutch Shell. If you want more info on this site go here
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The entire website is focused on Shell…

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