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Comment on Wikipedia controversy


I am curious. Did this dust up with Wikipedia occur just after you notified RD Shell of your article about the US Dept. of Defense confirming that Shell was the object of a Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) counter-intelligence operation because of their (alleged) attempts to gain unlawful access to highly classified military technology, including technology related to the design/fabrication of nuclear weapons?

(Or perhaps it was caused by the recent dredging up of the story of their less than responsible manufacturing and distribution history of highly toxic and long lived pesticides, etc. Maybe it was both.)

I find the timing between the these recent events to be more than just serendipitous.

From my observations it appears as if Shell has decided to engaged in a little retaliatory ‘ciber warfare’ in an effort to diminish your on line profile as a credible and effective critic of Royal Dutch Shell’s less than ethical business practices. This would be in line with their apparent attempts to bring down your server just before you published the espionage article.

As an ex-Shell employee I know all about those practices. You have hit the bull’s eye.


It has been going on for some time but the activity within Wikipedia became more obvious soon after we published the first article relating to alleged industrial espionage by Shell in the USA.  More recently we published the follow-up article to which you refer confirming that the U.S. authorities launched an investigation of Shell Oil Company for alleged industrial espionage. As far as I know, that investigation is still in progress.

We are in possession of confidential Shell documents dated 2009 and 2010 which discuss my editing on Wikipedia, Shell editing the articles and nomination of the RDS articles for deletion. There was a flurry of correspondence in December 2009. As I have said before, Shell has been obsessed with my contributions to Wikipedia and by coincidence or otherwise appointed a specialist agency to clean up its reputation on the Internet. Where exactly would such an agency make a start?

The campaign of deletions and removal of information on all articles connected to Shell to which I have contributed, started after a new editor, using an alias, popped into existence in May of this year.  That person may just hold a grudge against me, or could be working for Shell directly or indirectly, or it all could be an incredible coincidence and he is perfectly genuine.  Since I know nothing about the person, it is impossible to say.

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

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