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Screen Shot 2015-08-17 at 08.38.13English translation below of the text shown on the centre section of the above German road map published by Shell in Nazi Germany after Hitler came to power in January 1933. Shell boasted about its contribution to the German economy stretching back to 1924. We assume the map provided directions to the Polish border.

In the years approaching WW2, the ardent Nazi, Sir Henri Deterding, was in control at Shell along with likeminded Group Managing Directors (two of whom subsequently became Director Generals of Shell), all willing to get into bed with the Nazis.

Is history repeating itself with Ben van Beurden getting into a close embrace with the corrupt and murderous Putin regime which annexed Crimea, launched a stealth invasion of Ukraine, supplied the missile that shot down a passenger plane carrying four Shell employees, and whose assassins left a radioactive trail in London?


If domestic production is not sufficient to cover demand economically, we supply Germany by importing the petroleum products which are vital for its economy and transport. By bringing Germany into direct contact with the SHELL products marketed all over the world by our Group companies, we guarantee Germany the economically most favourable supplies from world oil production. At the same time the SHELL organisation in Germany places itself at the service of the national economy in the proper meaning of the word. It endeavours to increase German oil reserves by making use of the experience it has gained through its activities all over the world. In particular, we have largely shifted processing to Germany. We have created six plants, including the largest and most important of their nature in Germany, which are technically cutting edge and have a processing capacity of more than 600 000 t per annum, a large proportion of whose products are re-exported. In our sector we are Germany’s largest employer. Our comprehensive organisation of large and small distribution centres and thousands of SHELL filling stations ensures that demand is met in the most economical and most convenient way. Thanks to the way in which our organisation is structured we have given the German economy orders in excess of 170 million Reichsmark since 1924.

Since 1924 exports of products from our German plants have given the German economy foreign currency earnings amounting to 127 million Reichsmarks to help the balance of payments.

Access to the worldwide activities of the SHELL Group has guaranteed Germany supplies of a considerable proportion of the material required by the Group in all parts of the world – to the value of 144 million Reichsmarks since 1924

Offsetting this total of 441 million Reichsmarks, Germany has spent – through us – 570 million Reichsmarks since 1924 on essential petroleum products, semi-finished and finished goods. This interplay of economic interests has returned to Germany almost three-quarters of the sum which Germany would have had to spend on importing essential, vital base materials.


Mineralölwerke Aktiengesellschaft

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One Comment

  1. Peter Haney says:

    Came here attracted by color brochure- very nice art work. Miss such advert in digital age. Good gas but expensive in North Carolina.

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