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Hi John,

We love the terrific work you do with your site With its vast amount of articles it is a terrific news archive on anything regarding Shell. I especially read one of your latest posts, titled Shell’s Outrage, with great interest. Also heard about the strategy you used to have, paying or asking homeless people to hand out flyers in front of Shell’s head office when you guys couldn’t. That last one made me smile, very smart.

On May 1 we started the campaign with Milieudefensie (Dutch non-profit organisation fighting for the environment). A campaign to put more pressure on Shell, so it will take its responsibility for the environmental disaster in Nigeria serious. One of the ideas to draw more attention to our campaign, is this video we made featuring Shell´s CEO Peter Voser ( We´re working hard to have this campaign being picked up by lots of people via traditional and social media.

As we´re fighting for the same cause, I want to ask you if you could help us in any way. For example by mentioning this campaign in one your posts, newsletter or anywhere else you think it would work best. Tips are always welcome.

Hope to hear from you and success with all your endeavors.

Greetings from Amsterdam, Jorg

[email protected]

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

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