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Shell Energy Broadband ‘Useless’

17 March 2022

The content below is sourced from current customer reviews of Shell Energy published on Trustpilot.


Recently I was moved from Post Office to Shell Energy. This was for landline telephone. Over 2 weeks ago I paid extra to get Broadband.  Since that point, I have been unable to contact Shell Energy and have received no communication from them whatsoever. I have spent over 3 hours on the telephone and have still not been able to get through to a human being to discuss this. I sent an email – nothing. I have to say, so far, they are USELESS! In terms of customer support and customer service, they have NONE! If you want even a small degree of customer interaction, AVOID this company.

Terrible customer service from the complaints department

Terrible service

Terrible customer service

Terrible customer service. Cant get through on phone and online chat keeps cutting off. 8 hours wasted!!!!

Poor show

They’ve been messing me about for months now. What’s so difficult in returning the money they owe as a result of taking on Green Energy’s customers? Have got nothing sensible out of either their customer service and complaints departments. Full of excuses and stalling tactics. Shell seemed quite happy just last week to profit in the blood of the Ukrainian people by buying discounted oil from Russia. They seem less keen to return money that’s not theirs to a former customer. What a company! Stay well away from them.

I was forced to move broadband from…

1 was forced to move broadband from post office broadband to this company so far no web site for broadband no access to bills emails did not transfer properly, spent 1 hour 3times trying to contact there customer services by phone with no answer ( i just hope there calls where free as i have no way of checking ( no bill!!!!!) then 1 hour trying to navigate there chat bots after trying to explain the problems to a rep who’s knowledge was very limited and being transferred back into a queue 3 times , he decided there was a problem with the web site and would create a ticket that was 4 days ago and not heard a word from them . not impressed with this company as they have taken on to many customers with out being ready . i will move as soon as i can

Elderly parent phone fault

My elderly parents have had a fault with there phone for over 3 weeks. I have tried calling the company several times and it is virtually impossible to get through, when you do get through the help I received was shocking, I got passed from one department (call centre, customer services, tech support) to another and no one would own the problem. I got told that the line to the property was checked and was ok. I had to pay for a private telecoms engineer to check the property and the line only to confirm the issue was line fault. I am now holding yet another call waiting to talk to yet another person, terrible service, be warned.

Lost my payment!

They don’t answer the phone and they struggle to process payments. Currently trying to chase them for an £80 payment that I made.

Undue Harassment of vulnerable Customers

I recommend you give this company a wide berth. My daughter got taken over by them when Pure Energy folded. Although it took them nearly 4 months in the first instance to bill her they have now adopted a programme of daily threatening e-mails over a debt of just over £50. This is despite her calling them for help and advising them of her fragile mental state. She did what was recommended if you are in difficulty but got treated worse than a criminal. I am left dealing with a very distressed daughter who is doing her best on a low income to manage her bills!!

Awful customer service

Awful customer service. My elderly mother relies on her care line through her home phone. It took an hour to talk to someone and 17 hours later still not working. They’ve advised maybe by tomorrow! My mother is 84 lives alone and is disabled. She relies on her care line and is an emergency. She’s being treated unfairly and it’s age discrimination because she cannot use the internet or social media. I have power of attorney. I would not recommend this company. I’m switching her provider today

Shell Energy. Profits come 1st?

Shell Energy. This is my 3rd request to take the charges – Bill me for God’s sake. I don’t understand how you are dealing with general public facing a huge rise in billing.  Today, a day before I had kept the money in my account for you to take tomorrow, you have the brazen & shameless guts to ask me for an umpteenth time to submit my meter readings again! Deferring bills to cross the coming April when the ceiling will rise again is unacceptable and perhaps unlawful.  I’m going to submit my readings after returning from work tired having seen my patients but please make no mistake. If you don’t take the agreed charges by 9.00 AM tomorrow and either delay billing again or bill me against ‘estimated readings’, I’ll not only complain to Ofgem but I will take you to a small claims court to recoup the extra amount I’ll be paying after the last increase in bills. I have made up my mind because I have been reasonable all along, having accepted a couched apology banking on delay in getting my account moved to your firm when we both know resulted in monetary loss for me. How you treat customers is shocking and very shameful. Customers are requested to take note.
My repeated feedbacks are here and that is my testimony to your greed- the way I look at it now. Wake up Shell. We the customers will not take this. My sincere advice to existing and those enrolled customers whose suppliers went out of business, is to be very careful and think about the consequences of staying with you. My plight on this forum is there for everyone to read and decide. I have nothing more left to say.

Avoid! We moved into a house which had been…

We moved into a house which had been provided byShell Energy. I tried to switch to my previous provider. They blocked it. Why? Legally I am allowed to choose which provider I want.
I have been inundated with letters about reinstating the DD, eventually after my own provider thinking it was sorted I received a silly bill for a vast amount of energy use and when I tried to give them the actual readings I was told the readings they were using were the actual readings, even though the meter hadn’t reached their reading a d they hadn’t used the correct start reading for one account. Next I had a letter from a debt collection agency. What debt? I was disputing it, yes, but i was communicating with them – although Shell Energy did say they weren’t prepared to look at the electricity usage – but might look at the gas. Well today I discovered my move to my own provider has-been cancelled for electricity and my own provider didn’t know why. Avoid this lot like the plague, they use bullying tactics. If icould give minus stars would.

I just want my refund, but they are making it as difficult as possible

My account was sent to Shell after Green went bust, however I was already in the process of switching providers to EON, a credit of £160.99 was sent to Shell from Green Energy in November and they have sat on it since, despite their website suggesting they will refund within 6 weeks. Numerous attempts to contact them have failed, their website is rubbish and is constantly ‘experiencing problems’ I can see my credit balance sitting in my ‘account’ with them since January but still not refunded. I have tried e-mailing them about 2 months ago and got a standard rubbish reply that wasn’t even related to my issue, and despite replying to say that I got no further response. I tried chatting on the webchat and constantly get ‘we are offline’. I just want my refund, and I am so pleased that I had already jumped ship from Green and didn’t have to suffer as a customer of Shell Energy and their rubbish customer contact options.

Avoid! We moved into a house which had been…

We moved into a house which had been provided byShell Energy. I tried to switch to my previous provider. They blocked it. Why? Legally I am allowed to choose which provider I want.
I have been inundated with letters about reinstating the DD, eventually after my own provider thinking it was sorted I received a silly bill for a vast amount of energy use and when I tried to give them the actual readings I was told the readings they were using were the actual readings, even though the meter hadn’t reached their reading a d they hadn’t used the correct start reading for one account. Next I had a letter from a debt collection agency. What debt? I was disputing it, yes, but i was communicating with them – although Shell Energy did say they weren’t prepared to look at the electricity usage – but might look at the gas. Well today I discovered my move to my own provider has-been cancelled for electricity and my own provider didn’t know why. Avoid this lot like the plague, they use bullying tactics. If I could give minus stars would.

Shell Energy. Profits come 1st?

Shell Energy. This is my 3rd request to take the charges – Bill me for God’s sake.
I don’t understand how you are dealing with general public facing a huge rise in billing.
Today, a day before I had kept the money in my account for you to take tomorrow, you have the brazen & shameless guts to ask me for an umpteenth time to submit my meter readings again!
Deferring bills to cross the coming April when the ceiling will rise again is unacceptable and perhaps unlawful.
I’m going to submit my readings after returning from work tired having seen my patients but please make no mistake. If you don’t take the agreed charges by 9.00 AM tomorrow and either delay billing again or bill me against ‘estimated readings’, I’ll not only complain to Ofgem but I will take you to a small claims court to recoup the extra amount I’ll be paying after the last increase in bills.
I have made up my mind because I have been reasonable all along, having accepted a couched apology banking on delay in getting my account moved to your firm when we both know resulted in monetary loss for me.
How you treat customers is shocking and very shameful. Customers are requested to take note.
My repeated feedbacks are here and that is my testimony to your greed- the way I look at it now.
Wake up Shell. We the customers will not take this.
My sincere advice to existing and those enrolled customers whose suppliers went out of business, is to be very careful and think about the consequences of staying with you.
My plight on this forum is there for everyone to read and decide.
I have nothing more left to say.

Like many others was with Green energy…

Like many others was with Green energy and moved to shell in sept. DD continued to old company with a view of it moving to shell- still not done to date. Pretty sure other tariffs were available to customers back in sept. however no mention of any account number for months and by the time this was done it was too late. administrators say final bill with green is due but cant give a date when this will be done. Citizens advice say if a credit is owed to us we will get something by post if we have left shell. maybe the experience would be diff with shell if there wasnt that initial influx of customers.

Being asked to pay twice for same meter, avoid Shell if you can

We were moved to Shell when Pure collapsed. It now been several months of wrong bills. More recently they are trying to charge us twice for the same meter number. Despite calling them, and holding hours to get through, their promises to sort this out have been total lies. We had not choice but to go to Shell and they are making a fortune on high prices, but their customer service is appalling.

Heavily dislike Shell as a company

Heavily dislike Shell as a company, ever since they acquired First Utility I’ve had no choice with swaps due to my area. Customer service is robotic with no genuine care, forget about self controlling your account as their ‘helpful’ auto updates will do you no favours. And now with the energy increases, just can not stand the money hunger that comes from this company. Given a choice to swap I would.


Shell like every other energy company had it good for year’s and year’s with HUGE profits, MEGA HUGE profits, and now they play the sympathy card by claiming price’s need to increase to amounts that are scaring people, sending people to food banks, heat or eat !
Yes energy has got more expensive, the price of oil etc, but be HONEST, you all had it good for year’s with profits mega high, and now we’re supposed to feel sorry for you cause your profits are going to get smaller. I’m not stupid, yes energy cost’s have increased, yes energy is more expensive but Shell and everyone else still want PROFIT, so l agree to higher bill’s being forced on us, but maybe not as high as we’re led to believe.  What’s more important to a massive company like Shell ?
* customers managing or
* profit margins
Don’t have to have a degree to no the answer.

PS – Dear Shell, my opinion this as I’m entitled to !!

No Answers. No Stars. Shocking appalling company.

My energy supply company was “Go To”, then they went bust last summer. Ofgem took it upon themselves to transfer my account to Shell and Shell accepted. What right do Ofgem have to choose my energy company without my permission and give access to the credit I had built up through Direct Debit payments with Go To? What right do Shell have to take it upon themselves to appoint themselves as my provider without my permission? What right do Shell have to take it upon themselves to raid my Direct Debit payments and charge me an exorbitant amount that they have determined? That was my money, not theirs. Despite several phone calls to Shell I have been unable to talk to anyone. As per usual, I get recorded messages. The recorded message asks what time of day it would be convenient for them to call me back so an agreement can be discussed. This was over a week ago. I haven’t had a phone call because they claim to be “inundated” with calls. Recently, Shell boasted on national TV channels how much money they had made this year; a record 20 million in profits. Apparently, Shell have also been stockpiling energy for ages, therefore, avoiding paying the exorbitant prices other energy companies have been forced to pay. We’ve also had confirmation that Shell up to very recently, have been buying energy from Russia. I called Shell again, after being threatened by email that their collection company Zinc Credit Management, will be paying a visit to my home. As stated, I have had no contact whatsoever with Shell, or for that matter, Ofgem. What they are doing is illegal. I did not give Ofgem or Shell any authority whatsoever to become my energy supplier. That decision was taken out of my hands with no regard to my rights. They have taken the law into their own hands. This is another example of the Deep State using offensive bullying tactics against We The People. We will NOT be intimidated by these shocking practices and I will be speaking to my legal representatives.
Robert Green.

HELL energy

HELL energy need to employ an App designer that can get the App working on a regular basis


Without notice my phone and broadband were cut off when I forgot to pay the bill. After paying and paying a month in advance, I still have no service at all 6 days later. I emailed, called, was left endlessly waiting, today for half an hour, service still not connected. I will not be contacting them again if they can’t provide a service I AM HAPPY TO END THIS CONTRACT.

I am still waiting to login to my…

I am still waiting to login to my account with shell energy.they haven’t done anything,after sending several emails and hanging on the phone for hours they obviously don’t want to discuss the matter or they can’t be bothered about it.they are not providing a service for which I am paying for.its not good enough.

I paid my bill twice by accident

I paid my bill twice by accident. that was 3 weeks ago. instead of Paying £360 I paid £720.
I have called every day for 2 half weeks am £360 down this month and have no money. Customer service all they say is it will take 10 day to get back. i would not recommend anyone to go with shell.
Never in my life have i ever ben treated this way.

AVOID – horrible customer service

We have accumulated some credit with Green energy and was in a middle of a transition over to EONNext when Green collapsed. All Green customers were taken on by Shell Energy. That was in September 2021. To start with Shell tried hard to prevent us from switching over to EONNext, at one point they stopped the transfer and we had to ask EONNext to intervine, so we were only a “customer” of Shell Energy for a week.

However the money they own us (in excess of £700) still hasn’t been paid by them despite the numerous calls and emails to Shell Energy, who promised they will pay up in a few days just before Christmas 2021.

Every time we call them for an update, they come up with a new reason why it still hasn’t been paid. Last time we found out they have even closed our account without paying our money back, so should we have not called they would have considered the matter done and dusted. When asked to pay up they asked for the final bill from Green energy which they have sent us and stated that they will investigate and get back to us in 10 days. I have no confidence in believing any of that anymore unfortunately.

Avoid them, terrible supplier. They have caused a lot of frustration for us and they STILL own money for us 6 months after Green energy collapsed. I am not sure we will ever get it back 🙁

Lengthy waiting times for customer service acknowledgement, numerous calls and still no account balance returned!

I have been waiting months for a refund of my account balance after being ported to Shell energy from Green energy who went under. As I was in the middle of a ‘switch’ at the time Shell seem to constantly overlook my query’s and fob me off on the phone (after lengthy periods of waiting to speak to someone). Apparently my payment has been being processed for over 3 weeks now. Appalling customer service experienced, and would not choose them as a provider in the future.

Disgraceful – Avoid.

– Called to cancel on the 22nd Feb, cross sold under very specific terms

– Not been offered the service agreed at this point

– Contract not adhered to on their part. (Told I would get Superfast + as per their current £21.99 offer – they lied)

– They emailed on the 3rd March and again in writing confirmed I had 14 days free cancellation period – I can only take this as having 14 days from this point – absolutely no doubt otherwise from their email.

– 13 days in on the 7th March (From the 22nd) no reply to any contact input from myself when made multiple attempts to contact to arrange cancellation.

– Conveniently there is no mention of the speed in their email – only “Superfast” which is misleading at best.

– Service was not going live until 9th March – why should a cooling off period be within a timeframe you are not using the service (told me once it goes live that is the end of your cooling of period?!) or have any way of evaluating it – a cooling of period should be
allowing you 14 days to use the service and ensure it is correct for you. Which of Couse in the instance it is clearly not. (Goods retailers do not get such a luxury)

– I just want my account cancelled the £30.00 credit you have already agreed used against the final bill and the I pay the balance of £7.00, with no unjust cancellation fee’s levied.

– I will also be looking to seek financial compensation for the cost of the calls to you.

– Prior to shell taking over Post Office broadband there have been no issues.


Still not contact from them so:

– My Direct debit has been cancelled
– I will accept no charges, penalties or fees on the grounds of 1) Failure to adhere to contract 2) failure to communicate in an appropriate manner 3) Failure to even reply / offer any assistance on any of your platforms in allowing me to cancel at any point 4) Miss-selling of the new service 5) Emails dated as late as the 3rd March confirming I still had 14 days in which to cancel without penalty the new contract/ 6) Changing billing amounts/ charging increased amounts without prior
– My last bill was £37.00 you have offered £30.00 credit to my account therefore I am outstanding your £7.00 you can call me at any point on 07********and I will clear the balance without question – if I do not hear from you within 30 day I will assume that this matter is not of interest for you.
– Please generate final bill as instructed.
– Take this as formal written confirmation of cancellation of my service with you – I had made multiple attempts to do this over the phone but have been unable to do so in satisfactory manner.
– Further to this if no resolution is reached I will have choice but pursue this with the ombudsman who as per below have set up an online account for me to allow smooth progression.
– I have now moved to your competitor.

The above are extracts from negative customer reviews about Shell Energy posted during the last few days on Trustpilot.  Visit the Shell Energy page on Trustpilot to view all reviews in their entirety, positive and negative (and Shell Energy responses). Watch out for any fake reviews. Note the reoccurring themes in the negative reviews, including difficulty in communicating with the company

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

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