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Shell invests in the Gato do Mato project in Brazil’s pre-salt

Shell’s Jungle Cat Pounces: 370 Million Barrels of Oil, and a Big Middle Finger to the Climate.  Because if you’re Shell, “Net Zero” means “Not Now, Thanks.”

Shell — the undisputed heavyweight champion of climate double-speak — has decided it’s time to fire up the oil pumps again. This time, they’re heading to the deep waters off Brazil’s coast to claw 370 million barrels of oil out of a field charmingly called “Gato do Mato,” or “jungle cat.” How cute.

Yes, the same Shell that floods its website with talk of “Net Carbon Intensity” and “clean energy” is now purring with delight over its latest fossil frenzy in the pre-salt region of the Santos Basin, an offshore zone so deep it practically requires a submarine and a prayer to reach. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell-Shocked: FERC Tells Oil Giant to Sit Down and Shut Up in LNG Tantrum

Shell — the cuddly face of fossil fuel finesse. The benevolent, planet-loving oil titan that brought you a century of greenhouse gases and quarterly profits fatter than a deep-fried oil rig. But this time? The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) wasn’t buying their entitlement routine.

In what can only be described as an institutional eye-roll, FERC sided with Venture Global LNG Inc., ruling that the company is not obligated to serve Shell all non-public documents going forward. Translation: just because Shell’s used to throwing its corporate weight around doesn’t mean it gets VIP access to everything behind the curtain.

This all stems from Shell’s never-ending hissy fit over Calcasieu Pass — Venture Global’s LNG plant in Louisiana — where Shell is a paying customer. They demanded access to internal, non-public documentation because nothing says reasonable corporate conduct like shouting “transparency!” while investing billions in planet-charing energy. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell + BP: The UK’s Favorite Oil Villains and Their Spying Side Hustle

Ah, the latest thrilling instalment in the saga of the UK’s most ruthless polluters—Shell and BP! This time, the British government might need one villain to rescue the other. Because when your country’s energy strategy revolves around two corporate behemoths that specialise in environmental destruction, economic extortion, and good old-fashioned espionage (hi, Hakluyt!), what could possibly go wrong?

Let’s start with BP—currently flailing like a fish on an oil-slicked shoreline. After its spectacular failure to pivot from fossil fuels to renewables (who could’ve guessed that wasn’t done in good faith?), BP’s stock is circling the drain. CEO Murray Auchincloss’s brilliant plan to double down on oil and gas has failed to excite investors, and hedge fund shark Elliott Management now holds a 5% stake, sniffing around for a board shake-up and even more brutal cost-cutting.

Meanwhile, rumours abound that BP could be scooped up by an American oil giant or a Gulf national oil company. Because, sure, when a British corporation becomes a liability, the logical move is to sell it to the highest international bidder. And why not? BP still has prime assets worldwide—shale basins in the U.S., Gulf of Mexico drilling, operations in Brazil, the North Sea, and the Middle East, not to mention its trading business and retail brand. Last year, it cranked out 2.36 million barrels of oil per day, generating a cool $8.9 billion in net profit. What’s not to love? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Bold New Plan: Do Nothing and Keep Cashing In

Investors hoping for something even remotely resembling a conscience will be sorely disappointed.

Ah, Shell—the oil-soaked corporate darling of BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street—has a thrilling new strategy: staying the course and raking in profits while the planet burns. According to RBC, Shell’s upcoming March 24 strategy update isn’t expected to bring any big surprises, because why change a thing when you’re already swimming in billions?

Shell’s grand master plan? More cost-cutting, fewer green investments, and an unwavering commitment to its liquefied natural gas (LNG) empire. Investors hoping for something even remotely resembling a conscience—perhaps divesting from its chemicals division—will be sorely disappointed. RBC thinks that’s unlikely in the short term. Translation: Shell will continue flooding the world with petrochemicals and plastic waste for the foreseeable future. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

WTF is Shell Up to Now? A “Safety Drill” at the Monaca Cracker Plant?

Wed, 19 March 2025

Ah, Shell—the benevolent, community-loving, totally-not-environmentally-disastrous oil behemoth—wants you to know they care. So much so that their Monaca, PA Cracker Plant, the one that belches out plastic pellets and pollutants like a chain-smoker at an open-bar wedding, is holding an “emergency response drill” today at noon.

What’s the emergency? That’s a great question! Maybe it’s the toxic emissions, maybe it’s the air pollution that’s been raising alarm bells, or maybe it’s just another PR stunt to make it seem like they’re doing something other than poisoning the planet while raking in obscene profits. Because let’s not forget, this plant is part of Shell’s grand plan to flood the world with even more plastic—just what the planet desperately doesn’t need.

And hey, if you have any questions about their noble efforts, feel free to dial 844-776-5581. Maybe ask them about the air quality in the area, or how much of that lovely ethane cracker pollution is ending up in the Ohio River. Or better yet, inquire about how this multi-billion-dollar facility is doing its part to accelerate climate change while pretending to be a “good neighbour.” read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Sir Henri Deterding: Shell Business Dealings and Ties to Nazi Germany

The following Information was generated from research carried out in March 2025 involving 27 sources.

Sir Henri Deterding (1866–1939) was a Dutch oil magnate and a co-founder of Royal Dutch/Shell. He served as general manager of Royal Dutch Petroleum from 1900 to 1936 and helped build the company into one of the world’s largest oil firms, rivaling Rockefeller’s Standard Oil. By the 1930s, Deterding’s role put him in frequent contact with Germany, where Shell had significant operations. He was a fierce anti-communist, largely because the Soviet Union had nationalized Royal Dutch/Shell’s oil properties in Azerbaijan after World War I. This bitterness toward the Bolsheviks made Deterding view Nazi Germany as a potential ally against communism. In fact, in his later years, he moved his residence and investments to Germany, purchasing a grand estate (Dobbin) in Mecklenburg in 1936. Deterding openly admired Hitler’s regime as “the most serious bulwark against invading Bolshevism,” a stance reinforced by his hatred of the Soviet regime that had expropriated Shell’s Russian oil fields. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Historical Ties to Nazi Germany (1930s–1940s)

Shell’s Historical Ties to Nazi Germany (1930s–1940s): In Shell’s case, the absence of an apology or restitution for its Nazi collaboration remains a point of contention that the company may eventually be forced to confront as part of repairing its public image.


Sources: Historical investigations, corporate archives, and recent analyses were used to compile these findings. Key references include Shell’s own commissioned History of Royal Dutch Shell (which details the company’s activities during 1933–45), journalism by researchers like Marriott, Macalister, and Donovan, and reports from outlets such as openDemocracy and The Guardian that discuss the ethical implications of Shell’s WWII involvement.

• Financial Support: Royal Dutch Shell’s leadership had deep ties with Nazi Germany. Sir Henri Deterding, a co-founder and long-time chairman of Shell, was an open admirer of Adolf Hitler and reportedly provided significant financial backing to the Nazi Party in the early 1930s. Shell’s funding was so substantial that it “saved the Nazi Party” from financial ruin before World War II. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Spills, Spies, and Lies: Shell’s Slick Exit from Nigeria

Wall Street is an invisible partner in Shell’s plunder: happy to enjoy the spoils, deaf to the spoils of war Shell waged on Nigeria’s environment

Cue the confetti: Shell is finally packing its bags after 87 years in Nigeria’s Niger Delta. But before anyone applauds, note that the oil giant is slipping out the back door largely to avoid cleaning up the monumental mess it created, all while still clinging to the profitable parts of the business. In a $2.8 billion “exit” deal announced in January, Shell agreed to sell its onshore Nigerian subsidiary to a local consortium called Renaissance. How noble—except Shell isn’t really riding off into the sunset. The company generously decided to loan the buyers $1.2 billion to help them purchase Shell’s assets and will pony up another $1.3 billion to fund future cleanup and gas projects. Why would an exiting company invest further? Perhaps because those projects conveniently benefit Shell’s remaining 25.6% stake in Nigeria’s gas enterprise. In other words, Shell is getting paid to “leave” while secretly keeping a foot in the door and a hand in the cookie jar. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Prelude FLNG: Shell’s $17.5 Billion Disaster Gets Another ‘Turnaround’—Because the First One Worked So Well

Stop the presses—Shell is once again “fixing” Prelude FLNG, the world’s most expensive floating LNG catastrophe. Yes, the very same Prelude that has lurched from one disaster to another since production began in 2018. The plan? A leadership shake-up, mass restructuring, and yet another grand vision: Turnaround 2026. Because when all else fails, slap a new label on the mess and hope investors don’t notice. If history is any guide, don’t hold your breath—unless you’re on Prelude, in which case, you might want to really avoid breathing in those unvented hazardous gases.

Prelude, Shell’s $17.5 billion floating headache, was supposed to be a marvel of engineering. Instead, it’s been a slow-motion trainwreck of operational failures, safety nightmares, and regulatory smackdowns. The company has already confirmed the departure of long-serving Asset Manager Peter Norman, but, surprise—no successor has been named. Meanwhile, a quiet exodus of senior figures, including Operations Manager Andrew Harvey and Offshore Installation Manager Kerry Lambert, is underway. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Big Oil’s Supreme Court Tantrum: Shell & Friends Get Smacked Down

Well, well, well. It looks like Shell—along with its equally virtuous partners in climate destruction, Exxon, Chevron, BP, and ConocoPhillips—just took another legal hit. And not just any hit, but a nice, satisfying rejection from the U.S. Supreme Court. That’s right, the highest court in the land just told Big Oil’s fan club (otherwise known as 19 Republican attorneys general) to sit down and stop whining.

These oil-soaked litigators, led by Alabama’s Attorney General Steve Marshall, were trying to shut down climate lawsuits brought by California, Connecticut, Minnesota, New Jersey, and Rhode Island. These states, you see, dared to suggest that oil companies shouldn’t have lied to the public for decades about how burning fossil fuels would set the planet on fire. Telling the truth is still a radical concept in the fossil fuel world.

But let’s be clear: Shell and its industry pals are not about to take responsibility for anything. Because if they did, they might have to dip into the endless cash reserves that keep rolling in thanks to their top-tier enablers—like BlackRock and Vanguard. That’s right, these fine investment giants keep plowing money into Shell’s pockets, ensuring that the oil giant can continue its legacy of pollution, deception, and lobbying for regulatory loopholes. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Shaky Business: Now Predicting Its Own Earthquakes!

Ah, Shell—forever innovating new ways to ruin lives, one gas field at a time. The latest breakthrough? Science has now made it easier to predict the earthquakes caused by Shell and its fossil-fuel-loving friends in the Groningen region. That’s right—thanks to decades of unchecked greed and relentless gas extraction, we can now forecast when and where the next disaster will strike. What a win for modern research!

This delightful revelation comes courtesy of researcher Zhuldyzay Baki, who has found a way to analyze the seismic mess Shell and its drilling partners have inflicted upon the Netherlands. Her work at the University of Twente combines statistical models with geological insights to track the correlation between underground pressure drops (caused by, you guessed it, gas extraction) and earthquake intensity. Turns out, the areas where Shell has sucked the most gas out of the earth are the same ones where people’s homes are cracking apart. Who could have possibly predicted that? Oh wait, literally everyone who warned about this for years. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Latest Offshore Gas Grab: Australia Bows to Big Oil’s Demands Yet Again

Prelude FLNG itself has been a spectacularly unreliable disaster, shutting down multiple times due to safety and operational failures. 

Shell. The shining beacon of corporate responsibility. The ethical North Star of the energy sector. The company that never—ever—puts profit over people, the planet, or basic decency. And now, thanks to the ever-accommodating Australian government, this benevolent titan has been given the go-ahead to unleash yet another offshore gas project. Because if there’s one thing the world desperately needs in 2025, it’s more fossil fuel infrastructure!

Shell Australia—the local arm of the UK-based money-printing empire—has been handed the regulatory stamp of approval by none other than the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA). This means Shell can now plow ahead with its “Crux” development (oh, the irony), a massive offshore natural gas project in the northern Browse Basin, 190 kilometers off the northwest Australian coast. Given that Shell’s track record on environmental stewardship is as spotless as an oil-soaked pelican, what could possibly go wrong? read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell & Friends: The Carbon Kings Laughing Their Way to Climate Collapse

Shell & Friends Are Holding the Planet Hostage

You know the world is in trouble when just 36 fossil fuel companies—led by the usual suspects, like Shell, ExxonMobil, and Saudi Aramco—are responsible for half of the planet’s carbon emissions in 2023. That’s 20 billion tonnes of CO₂ in a single year, because apparently, making obscene amounts of money off the destruction of the planet is a team sport.

The Science vs. Shell’s Business Model (Guess Who’s Winning?)

Reality check: Global emissions need to fall by 45% by 2030 to even have a chance of keeping temperature rise below 1.5°C. Instead? Emissions are still rising, because these companies refuse to stop sucking every last drop of oil, gas, and coal out of the Earth. The International Energy Agency has flat-out stated that any new fossil fuel projects launched after 2021 are incompatible with reaching net zero by 2050. But Shell? Oh no, they’re still expanding production while paying lip service to “green energy” in their PR statements. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Corporate Shuffle

Shell’s Corporate Shuffle: Because Nothing Says “Transformation” Like Rearranging Deck Chairs on a Sinking Oil Tanker

LONDON, March 4, 2025 – In yet another thrilling episode of Shell’s ongoing greenwashing extravaganza, the oil giant has announced a shiny new restructuring plan that—spoiler alert—has absolutely nothing to do with cutting emissions and everything to do with maximizing profits.

According to CEO Wael Sawan, Shell’s latest corporate facelift will “deliver more value with less emissions.” Translation: expect more fossil fuel profits, fewer inconvenient environmental commitments, and a convenient shuffle of executives to make it all look intentional. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Waves the White Flag on Hydrogen Cars

Shell Waves the White Flag on Hydrogen Cars – Oil Giant Dumps Its “Green” Gimmick

Well, that didn’t last long. In what might be the least surprising corporate U-turn of the year, Shell—the same ruthless, polluting, profit-obsessed oil behemoth that never met a fossil fuel it didn’t like—has officially thrown hydrogen cars under the bus. Six of its seven hydrogen fueling stations in California have been shut down permanently, leaving just one sad little outpost clinging to life, for now.

And why, you ask? Oh, Shell has its usual vague excuses lined up: “supply issues,” “market factors,” and other corporate buzzwords that translate roughly to: “We didn’t see enough dollar signs.” Hydrogen, once hyped as the fuel of the future, has been quietly shoved aside because, surprise surprise, it just wasn’t lucrative enough for Shell and its deep-pocketed investors—yes, BlackRock and Vanguard, we’re looking at you. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell’s Toxic Playground: Pennsylvania’s Lucky Residents Get a Front-Row Seat to Pollution

Who Needs Clean Air When You Can Have Plastic?

Great news, everyone! If you live near Shell’s monstrous petrochemical complex in western Pennsylvania, you now have a fun new website to track the toxins floating through your air! That’s right—thanks to Shell repeatedly violating its air pollution permit (because following basic environmental laws is just too much to ask), a local advocacy group has launched a real-time air monitoring project to let residents know exactly what kind of filth they’re breathing in.

The Beaver County Marcellus Awareness Community (BCMAC) has introduced “Eyes on Air”, a website displaying data from five new air monitors placed near Shell’s plastic-churning nightmare in Monaca, Pennsylvania. The monitors continuously track particulate matter, benzene, toluene, and other delightful air pollutants, giving residents real-time insights on whether it’s safe to step outside—or if today’s air is best enjoyed through a gas mask. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.