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Shell Shocked! Ex-Employees Steal Millions in Gas Oil, Open Barber Shop and Sushi Joint

Posted by John Donovan 2 July 2024

In the latest saga of “How Shell Continues to Outdo Itself,” two former employees decided to play pirate and made off with millions in gas oil from Shell’s Pulau Bukom facility. Yes, you heard that right – these two masterminds, Muzaffar Ali Khan Muhamad Akram, 42, and Koh Choon Wei, 40, swindled Shell out of enough fuel to make Captain Jack Sparrow jealous.

Muzaffar, who managed to siphon off gas oil worth nearly $120 million, pocketed a cool $1.3 million. His partner-in-crime, Koh, snagged over $101 million worth of oil and walked away with at least $1 million. And what did they do with their ill-gotten gains? Opened a halal Japanese restaurant, invested in property, bought a Volkswagen, and even started a barbershop. Who knew crime could lead to such diverse business ventures?

These two were part of a larger scheme dating back to 2007, led by former Shell employees Juandi Pungot and Abdul Latif Ibrahim. Juandi, the mastermind, was sentenced to 29 years in jail, while Latif’s case is still pending. Clearly, Shell’s hiring process missed a few red flags.

The dynamic duo were shore loading officers, each making about $6,000 a month. They orchestrated the illegal loading of gas oil onto vessels by making cozy deals with ship captains and bribing independent surveyors to look the other way. Their operations were so smooth they could have taught a masterclass in criminal ingenuity.

To cover their tracks, they used group chats that were promptly deleted and even tampered with CCTV cameras. Because nothing screams “innocent” like dodging surveillance and deleting chat histories.

Shell finally woke up to the fact that they were bleeding fuel and lodged a police report in August 2017. By January 2018, Muzaffar and Koh were arrested. The prosecution, not one to be outdone, is seeking hefty jail sentences for both: 27 years and 10 months for Muzaffar and 23 years and 10 months for Koh. Deputy Public Prosecutor Christopher Ong didn’t mince words, calling them leaders in a profit-motivated conspiracy.

Muzaffar’s lawyer, in a dazzling display of defense, argued that the syndicate was purely a Singaporean affair and that Muzaffar’s $1.3 million take was a drop in the bucket compared to Juandi’s $5.6 million haul. Koh’s lawyer, meanwhile, painted his client as a mere follower who just happened to profit handsomely from taking orders.

Both Muzaffar and Koh have cooperated with authorities and surrendered their criminal proceeds, probably because there’s no honor among thieves once you’re caught. Sentencing is set for July 25, and we can all look forward to seeing how many years behind bars these modern-day oil barons will serve.

Shell, always quick with a reaction, will undoubtedly continue to focus on their core values: profit maximization and world domination. Stay tuned for their next episode, where they might finally find a way to outdo themselves yet again.

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