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Appeal to President Obama for immediate investigation of Shell Oil

Dear Mr. President,

While following news stories regarding the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf, I noted that some White people broached an American TABOO subject. In essence, when they stated that they were not SLAVES, and that Haiti has received more help than they have in Louisiana since the Oil Spill, they played the BLACK card.

However, hurricane Katrina went one better, it lifted one of the secret cloaks that hides a number of Black Caste societies that has existed in the South since SLAVERY -supposedly ended.

Everyone is screaming and demeaning BP about this catastrophic event and how it is affecting their livelihoods.  However, we as Black Americans living in the South are still scrimping and scraping the bottom of the barrel.

You see, The United States Government dropped the ball after slavery supposedly ended.  Of course, my heart goes out to everyone affected by the Oil Spill, but I’m furious! America, Louisiana is not just inhabited by Whites, foreigners, and the American Indians.  Every time I turn on the television, 99% of the clean up crews are made up of our Black sons/daughters, who’re working in 90 degree heat. Also, we do have BLACK shrimpers, etc. who do this for a living but they seem to be left out of getting Oil Spill work.  Why?

America, you must understand that we’re not going anywhere. Our offspring have gone to war and is still going to war for this country. We are citizens of these supposedly United States.  We pay taxes like everyone else, and yet, you purposefully turn a deft ear to us regarding our rights as human beings and the ancestors of SLAVES! We’re not asking you for “50 acres and a mule!” We want you to INVESTIGATE the thievery of our ancestral rights and heritages.

Listen up America, it’s time for you to Act on our Behalf. In the 1800’s my great-great-great grandfather and grandmother who were SLAVES, purchased lucrative property from their SLAVE master (shown in court documents).  It just so happened that their MASTER’S grandfather was a BLACK man. Now then, court documents and testimony by one of Shell Oils first truck drivers at the Gibson Site in Houma, Louisiana shows that SHELL OIL COMPANY has been drilling on our inherited land for 7-100+ years.

Presently more than 10 large producing tanks still remain on the land.  Shell has supplied the state, federal government, constituents, and the country with oil still flowing from our land all of these years.  Everyone mentioned above, have lived lives of Royalty without any concern for our livelihoods.  SHELL has never paid our families one single dime! Yet, The United States Government refuses to investigate when they know that everyone in this country LIVES off of our inheritance to our DETRIMENT.

On the other hand, we’ve used many avenues to try and get the Federal Government to investigate this situation with SHELL OIL but no one responds to our BLACK plight. Therefore, we’re being forced into servitude and to live like a race of Black paupers when we should rightfully be billionaires.

You know, Shell CEO’s refuse to tell us how much we have in escrow from the Gibson Field. In one conversation, we were told that we probably have about $65.00. Can YOU believe that!  We’re Black, but not idiots by any means.  Shell, the Humphrey Family does not own this property. We, The Matthews Family owns this property.  Undoubtedly, you didn’t do your homework.

In any case, America, we’re tired of accepting your meager issue of social security, or food stamps and keep our mouths shut and be buried in paupers graves when we die.  Why, won’t you investigate?  Is it because we’re BLACK, or because YOU, like Senator Landrieu took campaign money from BP, etc. You’ve done the same thing with SHELL OIL?

You know, I’ve contacted President Obama, the SEC, Gov. Landrieu, Oprah Winfrey, The Minerals Board, and the list goes on and on to no avail.  We’ve asked for a federal investigation but have received no replies.   What will it take for us as a Black Race to be heard?  A Gibson Field Explosion that kills people in the Gibson Field area?  Then, I’m sure that all of you will step up to the plate and get press so that you won’t look so bad in areas of the world that you’re trying to fix.

America, Louisiana has done everything possible to wipe out our inheritance.  All plantations in Houma, Louisiana have been wiped from the map because our Black families lived on them undisturbed for eons. They took care of the land, raising their families, gardens, and animals until they died or were run off by the police.  Can you imagine living on land for 65 or more years and then being told in the blink of an eye that you had to move or be jailed?

America, I said that to say this: Recently Squatters Rights/Adverse Possession have come into play because not only do we own plantations in question, but our ancestors left (purchased) Tracs of land in this area and throughout the State of Louisiana that they’re allowed others to build on and steal without thought of the law, until it regards BLACK ownership and getting back what is legally ours. I can attest to the fact that, if you’re BLACK and make any attempt to continue caring for land that has been in your family for over 65 years, you will definitely be run off by 8 to 10 policemen in cars or go to jail.  Again, why do you think that all of the fine plantations in Terrebonne Parish (Houma, Louisiana) were simply wiped off of the map?

America, I sincerely hope that our government and BP take good care of the people impacted by the Gulf Oil Spill – including us BLACKS who have to pay higher prices for food and everything else, but not get any BP money because we’re in town. One other thing, Fishing (health reasons) along the bayous is no longer an option for us.  Why?  Because the State has allowed other races to own waterways: Posted, No Trespassing, Private Ponds, Keep Out and the list goes on an on.

Finally, America, I hope that you step up to the plate and INVESTIGATE. I also hope that we as a Black Caste Society in Lousiana, aren’t forgotten, until a On Land Oil disaster occurs.  Again, we’re not asking for 40 acres and a mule.  We are asking that a national investigation occurs here in Louisiana.  We want this cloak of darkness lifted on ALL Oil Companies now drilling on private lands in Louisiana .  We want all monies owed to Black SLAVE ancestors, their inherited and purchased lands, etc. RETURNED to them.

Again, I appeal to President Obama and his Cabinet for and IMMEDIATE investigation of SHELL OIL with reference to our ancestral inheritance and others like us who want our ancestral properties and rights returned to us immediately.  I hope all of the above falls under President Obama’s new overhaul laws regarding Shell and others now drilling in Louisiana.

Hilda Woodley
[email protected]

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

One Comment

  1. shay says:

    i known this 2 be true after talking with people in the family it now on the 3rd and 4th Generation to get back whats ours yes i am an heir of Geogre Matthews Family

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