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Bill Campbell

Investigation into leak at Shell’s North Sea platform to get under way news

It has also emerged over the weekend that an internal investigation into Shell’s Gannet plaforms in 2003 had raised concerns over unapproved repairs and unreliable fire sensors. This is clear from papers held by Bill Campbell, a former senior Shell employee, who has questioned the company’s environmental and safety record.

22 August 2011

Shell says according to its estimates a leak at one of its platforms, 110 miles east of Aberdeen, Scotland had spewed 1,300 barrels of oil. The leak was detected on 10 August.

Following the spill, UK government inspectors are preparing to question a number of key players involved in the North Sea oil leak. This would include staff on the platform, officials at the company’s headquarters and the helicopter pilot who spotted the sheen.

Meanwhile, even as the investigation gets under way, an analysis of oil and chemical leaks from Shell’s Gannet platforms showed that the platform had seen at least 34 spillages since 2002, ranging from 1litre to 590 barrels. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Oil production in North Sea scrutinized

Bill Campbell, whom The Daily Telegraph described as a “former senior Shell employee” questioned the company’s performance at Gannet as claims from 2003 surfaced over the platform’s maintenance record, the newspaper in London reports.

Published: Aug. 22, 2011 at 8:52 AM

LONDON, Aug. 22 (UPI) — Internal documents and British safety records indicate there were problems with North Sea oil production after Shell announced it closed its oil leak last week.

Royal Dutch Shell said that divers shut a relief valve and stopped an oil spill from its Gannet platform. At the height of the spill, reported Aug. 10, around 1,500 barrels of oil was dumping into the North Sea.

Bill Campbell, whom The Daily Telegraph described as a “former senior Shell employee” questioned the company’s performance at Gannet as claims from 2003 surfaced over the platform’s maintenance record, the newspaper in London reports. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell North Sea ‘leak’ is in fact an uncontrolled blowout


Posted by John Donovan ([email protected])

Comment from an expert source that technically the Shell North Sea oil leak is an uncontrolled blowout. Fortunately on a much smaller scale that the BP disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.


If the leak at Gannet is coming from the flowline between the well and the platform, it should be a very simple matter to shut it in – but after 5 days, the flow continues.

According to Shell’s news releases, the leaking flowline connects a subsea well to to the Gannet platform. A subsea well has a Christmas tree on the wellhead at the seabed to control flow from the well into the flowline, so if the leak is from the flowline it is a very simple matter to close in the line and depressurize it – and the leak would stop immediately. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Oil and gas spills in North Sea every week, papers reveal home

Shell has emerged as one of the top offenders despite promising to clean up its act five years ago after a large accident in which two oil workers died.

More than 100 potentially lethal oil and gas spills took place on rigs in the North Sea in 2009 and 2010. Photograph: Alamy

Documents list companies that caused more than 100 potentially lethal – and largely unpublicised – leaks in 2009 and 2010

Serious spills of oil and gas from North Sea platforms are occurring at the rate of one a week, undermining oil companies’ claims to be doing everything possible to improve the safety of rigs.

Shell has emerged as one of the top offenders despite promising to clean up its act five years ago after a large accident in which two oil workers died.

Documents obtained by the Guardian record leaks voluntarily declared by the oil companies to the safety regulator, the Health and Safety Executive(HSE), in a database set up after the Piper Alpha disaster of 6 July 1988 which killed 167 workers. They reveal for the first time the names of companies that have caused more than 100 potentially lethal and largely unpublicised oil and gas spills in the North Sea in 2009 and 2010. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Collusion between Shell and HSE in Brent Bravo cover-up

One of the examples of collusion between Shell and HSE was that HSE were aware that the Press Releases by Shell were false.  From the feedback from the CPS investigation they confirmed that the CEO of the HSE was aware that the statements made by Shell in the Press Releases in 2006 were totally false and misleading.

Bill Campbell, retired HSE Group Auditor of Shell International.


From: John Donovan <[email protected]>
Date: 4 March 2011 16:23:35 GMT
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
Subject: Fwd: Criminal Investigation uncovers lies and deceit and potential corruption

Dear Mr Brandjes

I have forwarded to you an email received from Mr. Bill Campbell. I have deleted part of the first sentence, which commences: “This is a shortened version…”

I have already published the short version of his statement. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Brent Bravo Deaths: Criminal Investigation uncovers lies, deceit and potential corruption

Introduction by John Donovan

I have published below a self-explanatory statement by Bill Campbell (right), the retired HSE Group Auditor of Shell International. I will email this statement and a more detailed version to Michiel Brandjes, the Company Secretary of Royal Dutch Shell Plc and forward the same information to the senior Shell executives and the non Executive Chairman, Jorma Ollila, named in the statement.

The more detailed version will be published on this website after Shell has had an opportunity to comment and/or take legal action. Shell issued threats of legal action against us yesterday and may wish to add this matter if briefing Counsel. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Bill Campbell quoted in Final Report on BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Under the heading of “Learning from Accidents:”, page 231 of the Final Report published by the U.S. National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling

Extract from Chapter 8, page 233

Shell’s safety response. Shell, a long-time leader in Gulf of Mexico operations (before BP surpassed it, as described in Chapter 2), has had its own safety problems. Two men died in a gas leak on the company’s Brent Bravo platform in 2003; former Shell senior manager Bill Campbell, who had earlier led a safety review, said after the accident that his 1999 warnings had been ignored by the company.99 Shell denied that it operated at high levels of risk.100

Shell subsequently tightened and simplified its safety rules.101 Shell also has promoted the use of the “safety case” worldwide (a risk-management approach to regulation described in Chapter 3).102 It has adopted the safety-case approach even in the United States, where it is not required to do so, and has promoted it for the industry more broadly.103 Marvin Odum, president of Shell Oil Company and director of Shell’s Upstream Americas business, told the Commission’s November 9 hearing that “the safety case in deepwater drilling shows how we identify and assess the hazards on a rig; how we establish the barriers to prevent and control those hazards; how we assign the critical activities needed to maintain the integrity of these barriers.”104 read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Deepwater Horizon Regulatory Failures

By W M Campbell – 12th January 2011 (Retired HSE Group Auditor, Shell International)

Regulatory Failures

As the queue begins to form of those who would sue BP and others for the failures that caused Deepwater Horizon, it appears, from the early release of the findings of the Presidential Commission published last week, that it was the negligence of multiple parties that caused the multiple failures.  Negligence also extends to the present and previous US Government administrations, their agencies and members of Congress.  To put the Commission Report in context we need to go back in time to 1982, and take in some history. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment. Wikipedia article December 2007 version

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Revision as of 19:16, 24 December 2007

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Oil companies warned on North Sea accidents



You may be interested in this, things are not getting better offshore and the figs for 2009/10 exclude the helicopter incident.

What should concerns offshore workers is that for example the operators or installations who are having the increase in gas releases are not highlighted in the HSE report.  It appears a fundamental weakness that you can find out how your local hospital is performing but not how the installation your friends or family are employed on is performing.  Despite pressure to provide specific data the HSE still produces general data masking from public scrutiny the worst offenders. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Expert educates Shell CEO Voser on oil rig blowouts

Retired Shell International Health and Safety Group Auditor, Bill Campbell responds to our article…Voser claims Shell has nothing to learn from the BP disaster: Is this really true?


When the US oil industry put forward the case to the US president for drilling in deepwater of Louisiana and Florida they are quoted as saying blowouts are rare events.  They were confident they could drill in deepwater safely, they had nothing to learn.

But their argument was entirely flawed because the risks of drilling are the product of the probability of the blowout and the often catastrophic consequences of the blowout.

So if the event is credible, something that can and does happen on a Drilling rig, the Risk may be very high if the consequences are catastrophic and historical data shows that such events often were.
read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Deepwater Horizon – an independent assessment

My compliments to Panorama and your programme “How on earth did this happen”

Please see the attached analysis sent to the US investigators and Professor Robert Bea who according to CBS News 60 minutes has a role in collating survivors testimony and the Chemical Safety and Investigation Board (CSB) tasked I understand to investigate the disaster.

I have no connections whatsoever with BP, your people in Aberdeen are aware of who I am and I took part in 2006 in the BBC Frontline Scotland Programme the Human Price of Oil.  I have from time to time supplied Channel 4 with technical input on questions re offshore safety also. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Shell Arctic Drilling Plans: Email to Kim Murphy at LA Times

To our astonishment we discovered that a “Touch F*** All” policy was in place. Worse still, safety records were routinely falsified and repairs bodged.

From: John Donovan <[email protected]>
Date: 6 May 2010 08:53:33 BST
To: [email protected]
Subject: What if an oil spill happened at an Arctic well?

Hello Kim

What your article does not mention is Shell’s notorious “Touch F*** All” safety culture in the North Sea oil rigs, which led to an explosion and deaths on the Brent Bravo platform.

Basically, production and profits were given a higher priority than the safety of offshore employees.

The truth was exposed by Bill Campbell, the HSE Group Auditor of Shell International.  This was his self-explanatory letter to UK Members of Parliament which led to a criminal investigation by Scottish Police and legal authorities currently underway. It would be equally relevant to substitute the Arctic Ocean for the North Sea. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Arch-critic emails over 400 Shell senior execs

Richard Wiseman, Royal Dutch Shell Plc Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer (Photo supplied by him for display on this website)



I am writing to offer our best wishes on your appointment/new title, as announced on our website within the lists of Shell senior executive appointments we published on 22 June and 3 August.

The unauthorised publication of leaked Shell confidential information on our site has become a news event in its own right, regularly reported by The Wall Street Journal and other news organisations. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Retired Shell Group Auditor questions integrity of Jorma Ollila

By Bill Campbell (above), retired HSE Group Auditor, Shell International

On the subject of the integrity of Royal Dutch Shell Chairman, Jorma Ollila, raised by former Shell executive, Paddy Briggs, the information below was copied to Nokia yesterday, it should be self explanatory, if Nokia do not act they could find themselves guilty by association:

The attached information explains why Royal Dutch Shell along with the UK Oil Industry Health and Safety Regulator the HSE are currently being investigated by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) in Scotland. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.

Royal Dutch Shell Fat Cat Malcolm Brinded: Big Brain but no scruples

Shell Foundation Chairman Malcolm Brinded

By Alfred and John Donovan

On Monday we will publish Shell internal documents and correspondence with Malcolm Brinded providing evidence of how this brainy man,  who remains at number 2 in the Shell hierarchy, sanctioned corrupt practices, deceit, theft and other illegal action involving a conspiracy of Shell managers. This dishonest activity was also condoned by Richard Wiseman, the former Shell Legal Director now laughingly given the job of Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer at Royal Dutch Shell Plc. The Shell UK legal team Wiseman controlled played a key role in a corrupted Shell tender process. read more

This website and sisters,,,, and, are owned by John Donovan. There is also a Wikipedia segment.